LaTeX Progress Measure

This repository contains:

  • Sample LaTeX code for testing;
  • Scripts for LaTeX compilation and measuring some useful metadada.

At the moment, we measure days since the start, number of pages, words, and modifications. The main script is located at scripts/ This script has some requirements:

  • Unix operating system (Linux or Mac)
  • LaTeX (I used Texlive), poppler, awk installed
  • Python 3 with numpy and matplotlib libraries. The others should be installed by default

You can execute the python script manually, but I have also included a pre-commit hook in the scripts folder that git will execute everything automatically if you follow the instructions ahead.

How to use

  1. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Navigate to the main repository folder
cd LaTeX_Progress_Measure
  1. Make the pre-commit hook executable
chmod +x ./scripts/pre-commit
  1. Copy the pre-commit hook to the appropriate git folder
cp ./scripts/pre-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit
  1. Change the variables in scripts/ to adapt to your project organization.

Steps 1-5 only need to be executed once. Then, you can work with your files normally. To trigger the pre-commit hook, use

git commit

without any message. The scripts will executed and you will be prompted to write a message.

Furthermore, to avoid incorrect measurements, include logs and temporary files in .gitignore. I have already included a few.

Measurements for this repository

Measured progress

If you have any questions, feel free to ask as an Issue or email me at