This project contains the smart contracts that govern the Cardstack token.
The official Cardstack token, with the ERC-20 symbol CARD
is located on mainnet at the ENS resolved name cardstack.eth. Which is currently 0x954b890704693af242613edEf1B603825afcD708
node 8+
yarn global add truffle
- geth to use as CLI ethereum wallet that truffle can manipulate.
brew tap ethereum/ethereum
brew install ethereum
After installing, run geth account new
to create an account on your node.
This project leverages node 8+, please make sure to install node 8+ (or use nvm to manage your node versions). Additionally, this project leverages yarn.
yarn install
For testing we leverage a local private blockchain ganache. You must first start your private blockchain:
yarn ganache
then execute the tests:
yarn test
To deploy the CST contracts to testrpc, start the testrpc blockchain. Make sure to not run the Mist client or Ethereum wallet connected to the testrpc when you perform the migration--testrpc is not good at walking and chewing gum at the same time.
yarn ganache
Then execute:
truffle migrate --reset --network=testrpc
Make a note of the address of the Registry
and of the CardstackToken
contract. Make sure not to lose the address of the Registry, the registry address is specified as a parameter for all contract ops commands.
Register the CardstackToken
contract with the Registry
truffle exec ./scripts/cst-register.js --cst=<CardstackToken's address> --registry=<Registry's address> --network=testrpc
You can view the CST system info by executing:
truffle exec ./scripts/system-info.js --network=testrpc -r <Registry's address>
You can configure the price and details around CST by executing:
truffle exec ./scripts/cst-configure.js --tokenName="Cardstack Token" --tokenSymbol="CST" --buyPriceEth=0.005 --circulationCap=50000000 --maxBalance=1000 --foundation="<foundation address>" -r "<registry address>" --network=testrpc
You can mint new CST's (which must exist in order for people to buy) by executing:
truffle exec ./scripts/cst-mint-tokens.js --amount=1000000000 -r <registry address> --network=testrpc
You will need to whitelist buyers of CST by executing:
truffle exec ./scripts/cst-add-buyer.js --address=<buyer's address> -r <registry address> --network=testrpc
You can execute this script to get the purchase information for CST:
truffle exec ./scripts/cst-buy-info.js --network=testrpc -r <Registry's address>
You can execute this script to get information on how to release vested tokens for CST:
truffle exec ./scripts/cst-release-info.js --network=testrpc -r <Registry's address>
The token contract is initialized in a frozen state (same for upgraded tokens). You must unfreeze the token before people can buy tokens:
truffle exec ./scripts/cst-unfreeze-token.js -r "<registry address>" --network=testrpc
To deploy the CST contracts on Rinkeby, make sure that your wallet's main account is funded. Copy your wallet's main account address into the clipboard. Close the Mist or Ethereum wallet apps if they are open (geth cannot run when Mist is running and vice versa). Then from the commandline execute:
geth --rinkeby --rpc --rpcapi db,eth,net,web3,personal --unlock="main account's address"
Enter the password for your wallet when prompted, and then wait for the latest block in Rinkeby to download (you can double check the block number here at After you see that the latest blocks have downloaded execute the following:
Then execute:
truffle migrate --reset --network=rinkeby
The deploy will make many minutes to run depending on Rinkeby network stats and gas price.
Make a note of the address of the Registry and of the CardstackToken contract. Make sure not to lose the address of the Registry, the registry address is specified as a parameter for all contract ops commands.
Register the CardstackToken
contract with the Registry
truffle exec ./scripts/cst-register.js --cst=<CardstackToken's address> --registry=<Registry's address> --network=rinkeby
You can view the CST system info by executing:
truffle exec ./scripts/system-info.js --network=rinkeby -r <Registry's address>
You can execute this script to get the purchase information for CST (make sure to set the price and mint tokens first before sharing this information, though):
truffle exec ./scripts/cst-buy-info.js --network=rinkeby -r <Registry's address>
From there you can execute other scripts to configure the CST contract and/or mint tokens, etc.