
ARKAD mobile application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ARKAD mobile application

Mac Instructions

1. Install Node.js

  1. Install HomeBrew: instructions
  2. Run: brew install node

This will also install npm.

2. Clone repository to your computer

  1. Go to Git projects folder: cd /path/to/my/git_folder
  2. Clone repository: git clone https://github.com/careerfairsystems/arkad-app.git
  3. Go to the root of the cloned repo cd /path/to/my/git_folder/repo_root
  4. Install npm: npm install

3. Run application

You can choose to run the application on either device or phone simulator.

Run application on device

iOS and Android instructions can be found here.

These steps can be quite tricky if you haven't used Xcode or Android Studio before, running the application in a simulator, which is described below, is easier to setup.

Run application on phone simulator

  1. Install React Native CLI (Command Line Tool): npm install -g react-native-cli
    • You might have to run npm install again.
    • You should be able to just run react-native run-ios and react-native run-android respectively.

If you run into problems the following guides can be useful for iOS and Android respectively. You don't need to read the Creating a new application section as this has already been done.

Tip: Instead of using a virtual device in Android Studio you can use Genymotion, you download it from here and you'll also need this plugin.

4. Install Watchman (some macOS users only)

Run: brew install watchman

5. Install Atom

  1. Install Atom
  2. Open Atom and go to Settings/Preferences and select Install in the side menu
  3. Install the following packages: busy-signal, intentions, linter, linter-eslint, linter-ui-default, prettier-atom
  4. Setup prettier-atom by changing the following settings:
    • ESLint Integration: true
    • Format Files on Save: true
    • Single Quotes: true
    • Semicolons: false

These settings are important to avoid conflicts and to get a common coding structure.

Windows Instructions

1. Install nodeJS

Install NodeJS @v.11.13 from here https://nodejs.org/dist/v11.13.0/ Later version might work, however later than version 12.9 has a compability issues our metro bundler version as of writing this 6/12/2019

2. Install Android studio

Follow the instructions under "Android development environment" on the react-native page (React-Native CLI Quickstart, Windows, Android) To install correct Android SDK Build tools

  1. Go to File - Settings - System settings - Android - SDK Tools
  2. Tick "Hide obsolete" and "Show Package details"
  3. Tick Android SDK Build Tools @ 28.0.3
  4. Press apply

3. Clone repository to your computer

  1. Go to your Git projects folder ex: cd /path/to/my/git_folder
  2. Clone repository: git clone https://github.com/careerfairsystems/arkad-app.git
  3. Go to the root of the cloned repo cd /path/to/my/git_folder/repo_root
  4. Install npm: npm install

4. Install Atom

  1. Install Atom
  2. Open Atom and go to Settings/Preferences and select Install in the side menu
  3. Install the following packages: busy-signal, intentions, linter, linter-eslint, linter-ui-default, prettier-atom
  4. Setup prettier-atom by changing the following settings:
    • ESLint Integration: true
    • Format Files on Save: true
    • Single Quotes: true
    • Semicolons: false

5. Run application

You can choose to run the application on either device or phone simulator.

Run application on device

Android instructions can be found here.

These steps can be quite tricky if you haven't used Android Studio before, running the application in a simulator, which is described below, is easier to setup.

Run application on phone simulator

  1. Install React Native CLI (Command Line Tool): npm install -g react-native-cli
    • You might have to run npm install again.
    • Run react-native run-android to send the application to the virtual phone
    • Sometimes you need to start 2 cmd prompts in project directory, and do react-native start in one, then do react-native run-android in the other.

If you run into problems the following guides can be useful Android. You don't need to read the Creating a new application section as this has already been done.

Tip: Instead of using a virtual device in Android Studio you can use Genymotion, you download it from here. Genymotion generally works better but you need to use Android Studio if you want to check the console

Now you can start coding! 😍

Parse SVG to React components

  1. The art director should send you new SVG-files. They need to be exported with the correct settings. A screenshot of the setting exist here in the PG drive : https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1cot4-DyqKzrlIvFA829D5-iwXmFVJyFF
  2. Go to https://www.smooth-code.com/open-source/svgr/playground/?fbclid=IwAR369muucvHP8eCg7-LHRuRPBmJixmhka9TV8KPrGU5CyEtebQDVu2s1e5c
  3. Tick react-native. Untick SVGO
  4. Paste SVG code into the right side.
  5. The page is kind of sensitive. You can remove the first row about XML and stuff. The first row should maybe only be the SVG code up until </title>
  6. Break it up so rows don't become too long.
  7. For the really big SVG files, you might split up the code and gradually move it over to the component map file.
  8. Move the new code over from the SVGR side to the map component. Replace the text between and
  9. Next, you need to add layered booth components. Use the script in resources/scripts/add_map_layers
  10. You should now have new working maps. Enjoy!

Archieve release version at end of year

To keep track of previous year versions of the App, release-tagging is used. By going into release you can check the version from different years. If you need help to create a tag, a short guide is available here : https://github.com/careerfairsystems/arkad-app/blob/master/resources/documents/CreateReleaseGithub.docx