
Create workflows effortlessly!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


carefree-workflow is a lightweight library for building arbitray workflows with Python.

Agent Friendly

With the rapid development of AI (namely, the GPTs), I think modern libraries should be agent-friendly, which means developers should be able to build a GPT-agent on top of their libraries automatically, and after which users should be able to learn the library by interacting with this GPT-agent via natural language. With this in mind, carefree-workflow is designed to be modular, extensible, automated and 'RAG friendly'. See Highlights for more details.


  • Async: async is by design.
  • Parallel: nodes can be executed in parallel.
  • Powerful: complex locks / logics / dependencies can be handled.
    • You can even perform a loop with loop backs in the workflow!
  • Automated:
    • All nodes, as well as the workflow itself, can be automatically turned into RESTful APIs.
    • Detailed documentation of the design / nodes / workflow / ... can be automatically generated, which makes this library and its extended versions agent-friendly.
      • That is to say, you can build a GPT-agent on top of this library by simply feed the auto-generated documentation (this) to it. After which, you can interact with the agent via natural language and it will tell you how to build the workflow you want (it may even be able to give you the final workflow JSON directly)!
      • We even provide a 'RAG friendly' version of the documentation (this), which makes Retrieval-Augmented Generation easier. This version uses __RAG__ as the special separator, so you can chunk the documentation into suitable parts for RAG.
  • Extensible: you can easily extend the library with your own nodes.
  • Serializable: the workflow can be serialized into / deserialized from a single JSON file.
  • Human Readable: the workflow JSON file is human readable and easy to understand.
  • Lightweight: the library is lightweight (core implementation is ~500 lines of code in a single file core.py) and easy to use.


carefree-workflow requires Python 3.8 or higher.

pip install carefree-workflow


git clone https://github.com/carefree0910/carefree-workflow.git
cd carefree-workflow
pip install -e .



carefree-workflow is installed with a Command Line Interface (CLI) tool called cflow, which can help you execute / render workflows easily:

Workflow JSON examples can be found in examples/workflows.

cflow execute -f <workflow_json_file>


cflow render -f <workflow_json_file>

Detailed information can be found by:

cflow --help


Since carefree-workflow is extensible, you can easily extend the library with your own nodes:

import asyncio

from cflow import *

class HelloNode(Node):
    async def execute(self):
        name = self.data["name"]
        return {"name": name, "greeting": f"Hello, {name}!"}

async def main():
    flow = (
        .push(HelloNode("A", dict(name="foo")))
        .push(HelloNode("B", dict(name="bar")))
                dict(messages=[None, None, "Hello, World!"]),
                    Injection("A", "name", "messages.0"),
                    Injection("B", "greeting", "messages.1"),
    await flow.execute("Echo")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Running the above codes will yield something like:

[17:30:27] foo
           Hello, bar!
           Hello, World!

More code snippets can be found in examples.


carefree-workflow can automatically generate documentation for you:

cflow docs -o <document_output_file>

We also include the auto-generated documentation in this repository, see docs.md.

And we have designed this auto-generated documentation to be agent-friendly, which means you can build a GPT-agent on top of this library by simply feed the auto-generated documentation to it. After which, you can interact with the agent via natural language and it will tell you how to build the workflow you want (it may even be able to give you the final workflow JSON directly)!


carefree-workflow is designed to be servable, here are some rules:

  • Only nodes with get_schema implemented can be automatically served.
  • Complex results (e.g. PIL.Image) can be handled if get_api_response is implemented.
    • See our template if you are interested!
  • The registered name will be turned into the API endpoint, with the dots (.) being replaced by slashes (/).
    • e.g. if the node is registered with Node.register("foo.bar"), the corresponding API endpoint will be /foo/bar.

You can use our CLI to launch a server under default settings easily:

cflow serve

More options can be found by cflow serve --help.


  • Code snippets can be found in examples.
  • Custom node templates can be found in cflow/nodes/templates.
  • Workflow JSON files can be found in examples/workflows.
    • These JSON files can be executed by cflow execute -f <workflow_json_file>.
    • More execution options can be found by cflow execute --help.


carefree-workflow is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.