
By: Aabhushan Gautam


The main objective of the app is to give me recommendations in-game based on current game time events. I am a scatterbrain , and I cannot focus on anything most of the times. Most of my games, I find myself wandering around, not knowing what to do and missing crucial objectives. And it occured to me, if there was an app that would tell you what to do most of the early game, I would not have to run around like a headless chicken.

And thats the origin story of the app. The app will also work as a alternative to DotaBuff ( I know they have their own app now) for myself.

Secondary Objective

To polish my skills as a React Native Developer.

Libraries used

  1. Create React Native App (
  2. React Navigation (

More to be added. This is the initial project setup.


App is available in both Android and IOS. I am not sure if i can deploy it to stores though, not sure if i can afford that.