
CMV widget to project coordinates between specified coordinate systems.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This widget has been written specifically for David Spriggs CMV project to provide a tool for projecting coordinates between specified projections. It allows a user to place a marker on the map, to report the coordinates at that location in configured coordinate systems. The use can edit the coordinates for any projection within the grid, and the marker will move to the new location as well as updating all projected coordinated.


Configuration viewer.js

widgets {
    projection: {
        include: true,
        id: 'projection',
        type: 'titlePane',
        canFloat: true,
        position: 10,
        path: 'gis/dijit/Projection',
        title: 'Projections',
        options: {
            map: true,
            mapClickMode: true,
            projectionList: [
                { title: 'NAD27', srid: 2029 },
                { title: 'WGS84', srid: 4167 }


Click on the flag (this is a toggle for choosing a location), then click on the map. This will display a flag on the map as well as a grid of various coordinates (as entered in config) at that location. You can then click in another location and the grid will be updated.

Click Clear to clear the grid as well as turn the location selection off.

ZoomTo will always recentre the Flag on the map (if one is there).

Last, but not least. All of the cells in the grid can be edited. Simply enter/change a coordinate in any projection, and the flag will be moved, the map recentred and all coordinates updated.