
UNMAINTAINED. Janus-gateway plugin to broadcast RTP video

Primary LanguageC


This project is not maintained anymore. If you want to take over contact us at tech@cargomedia.ch.


janus-gateway custom plugin.

Build Status


This plugins provides bridging layer between RTP/UDP publisher and WebRTC consumer as well as the plain UDP to UDP proxy mode.

Main features:

  • 1-to-many and RTP-to-WebRTC streaming
  • 1-to-many and UDP-to-UDP proxy
  • Multiple streams per mountpoint with different qualities/resolutions
  • Manual or auto-switching of RTP streams per WebRTC client
  • Recording of streams
  • Thumbnails of streams


; Hostname to use. Will be used in API responses.
; hostname = localhost

; Port range for automatic port generation
; minport = 8000
; maxport = 9000

; Source bitrate averaging interval and
; session streams status update interval, seconds
; mountpoint_info_interval = 10

; UDP queuing allows to pool up packets and send them from separate threads
; Alternative is sending the packets from the thread they are received from
; udp_relay_queue_enabled = no

; Interval at which UDP relay thread should wake up and process the queue, microseconds
; udp_relay_interval = 50000

; Log error if keyframe is not found within this amount of frames
; keyframe_distance_alert = 600

; Auto-switch adjusts the video/audio stream quality. It is based on the REMB
; provided by the client and the current bitrate of incoming stream.
; autoswitch = no

; NOTE: all paths should exist beforehead

; Path for job JSONs
; job_path = /tmp/jobs

; Path for temp job JSONs
; job_temp_path = /tmp/jobs-temp

; printf pattern for job filenames (.json is auto)
; Short usage, the following gets substituted:
; #{time}     is timestamp (guint64)
; #{rand}     is random integer (guin32)
; #{md5}      is md5 of (timestamp + plugin name + random integer)
; #{plugin}   is plugin name ("janus.plugin.cm.rtpbroadcast")
; job_pattern = job-#{md5}

; Enable auto recording and thumbnailing
; recording_enabled = yes

; Path for recording and thumbnailing
; archive_path = /tmp/recordings"

; printf pattern for recordings filenames
; Short usage, the following gets substituted:
; #{id}       is streamChannelKey (string)
; #{time}     is timestamp (guint64)
; #{type}     is type ("audio", "video" or "thumb" string)
; recording_pattern = rec-#{id}-#{time}-#{type}

; Same for thumbnails
; thumbnailing_pattern = thum-#{id}-#{time}-#{type}

; Thumbnailing interval in seconds
; thumbnailing_interval = 60

; Bad connection simulator, only for debug purpose
; Note: defaults are 0, comment the options to disable
; simulate_bad_connection = yes

; Packet loss percentage
; packet_loss_rate = 5

Stream definition for responses

The response for multiple actions contains the stream-definition like follows:

   "id": "<string>",
   "uid": "<string>",
   "index": "<int>",
   "rtp-endpoint": {
     "audio": {
        "port": "<int>",
        "host": "<string>"
     "video": {
        "port": "<int>",
        "host": "<string>"
   "webrtc-endpoint": {
    "listeners": "<int>",
    "waiters": "<int>",
   "stats": {
      "audio": {
          "bitrate": "<int|null>",
          "packet-loss-rate": "<float|null>",
          "packet-loss-count": "<int|null>"
      "video": {
          "bitrate": "<int|null>",
          "packet-loss-rate": "<float|null>",
          "packet-loss-count": "<int|null>"
   "frame": {
      "width": "<int>",
      "height": "<int>",
      "fps": "<int>",
      "key-distance": "<int>"
   "session": {
      "webrtc-status": "<string|null>",
      "autoswitch-enabled": "<boolean>",
      "remb": "<int|null>"
  • id is the mountpoint identification
  • index is position of stream in the mountpoint/streams array
  • session is set only for list action and reference to current connection/session
  • packet-loss-rate is an estimated rate of UDP packet loss for the window of last mountpoint_info_interval seconds as regular stats
  • packet-loss-count is a count of UDP packets lost for a lifetime of the stream
  • webrtc-status if defined can be "active" or "next"

Mountpoint definition for responses

The response for multiple actions contains the mountpoint-definition like follows:

  "id": "<string>",
  "uid": "<string>",
  "name": "<string>",
  "description": "<string>",
  "enabled": "<boolean>",
  "recorded": "<boolean>",
  "whitelisted": "<boolean>",
  "streams": [

Synchronous actions

It supports create, destroy actions and drops support for recording action. It extends list action with new features.



  "id": "<string>",
  "name": "<string>",
  "description": "<string>",
  "recorded": "<boolean>",
  "whitelist": "<string>",
  "streams": [
      "audiopt": 111,
      "audiortpmap": "opus/48000/2",
      "videopt": 100,
      "videortpmap": "VP8/90000"

Response: It responses with auto generated port number for audio and video using minport and maxport of config file.

  "streaming": "created",
  "created": "<string>",
  "stream": {
    "id": "<string>",
    "uid": "<string>",
    "description": "<string>",
    "streams": [
        "audio": {
          "port": "<int>",
          "host": "<string>"
        "video": {
          "port": "<int>",
          "host": "<string>"



  "id": "<string>"


  "streaming": "created",
  "destroyed": "<string>"


It returns mountpoint with specific id. If id is not provided it return all existing mountpoints.


  "id": "<string|null>"


  "streaming": "list",
  "list": [
       "id": "<string>",
       "uid": "<string>",
       "name": "<string>",
       "description": "<string>",
       "streams": [

Asychronous actions

It supports start, stop, pause, switch, watch, watch-udp, switch-source and superuser actions.

Asynchronous action gets janus ack response for request and then receives event with plugin response.


  "janus": "ack",
  "session_id": "<int>",
  "transaction": "<string>"


It will pick up first stream from the mountpoint list and assigns to the user session.


  "id": "<string>"


  "streaming": "event",
  "result": {
    "status": "preparing",
    "stream": "<stream-definition>"


It allows to relay incoming UDP traffic as UDP without any conversion. In general it forwards packets from the UDP server to the UDP client. This request has to provide a full destination list for all streams defined by mountpoint. It will link the current list of streams with new destination list by index/position of the stream in the array.


  "id": "<string>",
  "streams": [
      "audioport": "<integer>",
      "audiohost": "<string>",
      "videoport": "<integer>",
      "videohost": "<string>",


  "streaming": "event",
  "result": {
    "status": "preparing",


It will switch the mountpoint for the session. By default will pick up first stream from the mountpoint list.


  "id": "<string>"


  "streaming": "event",
  "result": {
    "next": "<stream-definition>",
    "current": "<stream-definition>"


It will schedule switching of the stream with index for current session mountpoint (position in the streams, see list action). The switch will be triggered when first kef-frame arrives for requested stream. If index is higher than 0 then auto-switch support will be OFF. If index is equal to 0 then auto-switch support will be ON.


  "index": "<integer>"


  "streaming": "event",
  "result": {
    "streams": [


By passing true it upgrades current session into super user session and downgrade into regular one by passing false.


  "enabled": "<boolean>"


  "streaming": "superuser",
  "enabled": 1


This endpoint does not require any additional data.




  "streaming": "event",
  "result": {
    "status": "started|starting",


This endpoint does not require any additional data.




  "streaming": "event",
  "result": {
    "status": "pausing",


This endpoint does not require any additional data.




  "streaming": "event",
  "result": {
    "status": "stopping",

Job files

It creates configurable job-files with plugin events. It support for archive-finished or thumbnailing-finished event.

    "data": {
        "id": "<string>", 
        "uid": "<string>",
        "createdAt": "<int>",
        "video": "<archive_path/recording_pattern>.mjr",
        "audio": "<archive_path/recording_pattern>.mjr"
    "plugin": "janus.plugin.cm.rtpbroadcast",
    "event": "archive-finished"

Thumbnailer creates archives of single keyframe every configurable interval of time.

    "data": {
        "id": "<string>",
        "uid": "<string>",
        "createdAt": "<int>",
        "thumb": "<archive_path/thumbnailing_pattern>.mjr"
    "plugin": "janus.plugin.cm.rtpbroadcast",
    "event": "thumbnailing-finished"

After first valid RTP packet arrives the job-file is created and placed into configurable job-temp folder. Once the archive-finished or thumbnailing-finished event occurs the job-file is moved to the final job folder.



It calculates advanced statistics for incomming RTP streams and for incomming REMB per WebRTC session. It allows to switch streams in configurable manner (see config file) which depends on runtime condition of incomming RTP payload of publisher and outgoing RTP payload of subscriber. If "switch" condition is matched the switch action is queued in the scheduler.


It tracks RTP/VP8 payload for key-frames and triggers the switch of waiting subscribers. The waiting list of subscribers is defined per stream and keeps WebRTC session as reference. The session can be allocated to the waiting queue or by:

  • setting autoswitch to ON
  • sending the switch-source action request
  • sending the switch action request

If scheduled task is executed the subscriber receives media event:

  "streaming": "event",
  "result": {
    "event": "changed",
    "streams": [

Mountpoint information event

It sends updates with current state of mountpoint which is watched by session. mountpoint-info event contains current state of sources and configuration used for calculating statistics.

  "streaming": "event",
  "result": {
    "event": "mountpoint-info",
    "streams": [
    "config": {
      "mountpoint-info-interval": "<int>",
  • mountpoint-info-interval is equal to mountpoint_info_interval of config file.

Mountpoints information event

It sends updates with current state of mountpoints to the superuser sessions. This is currently triggerd by create and destroy end point.

  "streaming": "event",
  "result": {
    "event": "mountpoints-info",
    "list": [

Bad connection simulator

Randomly drops the UDP packets from incoming stream. Provides config file interface:

  • simulate_bad_connection : boolean

Master switch, when set to yes, enables code for simulating packet drop.

  • packet_loss_rate : integer

If bad connection simulator is enabled, specifies the percentage of packets which are artificially "lost".

Clients support

This plugin can be directly managed by janus-gateway-ruby client using mountpoint resource.

Additionally the ACL for publishers and subscribers, job-file handling can be directly managed by cm-janus


There is a simple testing script placed in the test/tester.py which allow for triggering basic actions on the plugin. Please find the test/README for more details.


If you got janus-gateway-rtpbroadcast from the git repository, you will first need to run the included autogen.sh script to generate the configure script.

./configure  --prefix=/opt/janus
make install


This project includes .doxygen file which allows to create docu.


apt-get install doxygen
apt-get install graphviz


doxygen .doxygen

By default the output will be stored in ./docu.


Please find DEB packages for this plugin.