
Logic Behind Extracting Top 3 Amount of Time Speent in Important placces (Phone Location - Doryab Feature)

yikun-chi opened this issue · 1 comments

Not sure if I misunderstood the intention behind the code for getting the time spent in the top 3 clusters (Phone Location, Doryab feature).

In the current logic, if there are more than 3 clusters, the output for time spent in top1, top2, and top3 clusters are None (line 198). Shouldn't the expected behavior be extracting the top 3 amount of times spent in the cluster instead of None?

If I misunderstood the intention and that is the expected behavior, just let me know. Thank you!

Thanks for reporting this @yikun-chi. This was a bug that we fixed in v1.3.0 that we released today. This is the new way we compute those features:

timeattop1location=("duration_in_minutes", lambda x: cluster_stay(x, stay_at_clusters, 1)),
Let us know if you have any other questions