- 1
Error parsing Fitbit heartrate summary JSON data in pull_wearable_data rule
#227 opened by jenniferfedor - 10
- 2
- 2
init renv and environment problem
#219 opened by Bassel-kh - 4
Aggregating data across participants
#216 opened by sjgiorgi - 2
Docker workflow run failing
#208 opened by jenniferfedor - 7
Error when trying to validate RAPIDS location features
#206 opened by JulioV - 6
UnicodeDecodeError in rule phone_applications_foreground_python_features
#195 opened by jenniferfedor - 14
Corrupted CSV file output during rule resample_episodes_with_datetime when computing battery behavioral feature
#197 opened by zacharyfried - 11
Potential discrepancies in computed [PHONE_APPLICATIONS_FOREGROUND][PROVIDERS][RAPIDS] features
#196 opened by jenniferfedor - 2
Remove warning from readable_datetime.R
#203 opened by JulioV - 4
Outdated cli version
#194 opened by zacharyfried - 2
Adding container information to activity recognition cause invalid config file
#199 opened by yikun-chi - 2
- 3
ValueError: cannot handle a non-unique multi-index! in heatmap_sensors_per_minute_per_time_segment
#169 opened by junoslukan - 5
#156 opened by utterances-bot - 2
#153 opened by utterances-bot - 12
#151 opened by utterances-bot - 5
#146 opened by utterances-bot - 7
#139 opened by utterances-bot - 3
#142 opened by utterances-bot - 1
Logic Behind Extracting Top 3 Amount of Time Speent in Important placces (Phone Location - Doryab Feature)
#138 opened by yikun-chi - 0
#137 opened by utterances-bot - 2
When two locations records have the same timestamp, keep the one with the highest accuracy
#78 opened by sefyas - 1
Add inferred silence features to conversation
#80 opened by JulioV - 2
- 11
- 3
- 1
- 1
Barnett’s location features run into problems when INCLUDE_PAST_PERIODIC_SEGMENTS is set as True
#126 opened by OrsonXu - 1
#127 opened by utterances-bot - 1
Extraction of calls episodes from Aware data
#79 opened by JulioV - 1
Extraction of battery features from Aware data
#92 opened by Meng6 - 1
- 2
Implement dynamic location accuracy threshold
#100 opened by JulioV - 1
- 7
Activity Recognition Features
#101 opened by JulioV - 1
Extraction of WiFi features from Aware data
#102 opened by Meng6 - 1
- 1
Add parameter to split AR episodes
#90 opened by JulioV - 4
Split energy features by voice and noise
#94 opened by JulioV - 1
- 1
For timefirstconversation and timelastconversation the wrong local_minute is selected
#89 opened by kaguillera - 1
Day by sensors heatmaps break
#88 opened by JulioV - 0
`minconversationduration` does not remove `datatype == 0` in its calculations
#87 opened by kaguillera - 0
outlierstimepercent is a ratio of rows instead of time when sampling frequency is different from 1 minute
#86 opened by JulioV - 0
- 0
- 1
Include sensor_wifi in the feature computation
#82 opened by JulioV - 1