A small javascript library to connect Wordpress JSON API to Foundation 5 Joyride
We were creating Wireframes on Omnigraffle or Balsamiq as most of the web agencies in the world. Later on mockup-wise we would have started creating mockups on Zurb's Foundation.
That's why this very small piece of code we open sourced. We started using Wordpress as a REST service to serve instructions to illustrate better to clients the functionalities we're implementing for them on their Foundation base wireframes.
So if you've already set up a Wordpress instance, with JSON API plugin (http://wordpress.org/plugins/json-api/) activated you just have to put in WF_URL you're complete address to reach it
var WF_URL = 'http://www.example.com/api/';
The way the whole thing is managed right now is that in the wordpress instance we're managing more than one project for Wireframes, so we're using categories to address one particular project.
This way I'm defining WF_PRJ as the category_slug for the project.
var WF_URL = 'project_wf'
We're using custom post types here, you can add them through a very basic functions.php piece of code on the theme or with some magic plugin.
Steps to reproduce our Web service for wireframing:
install Wordpress ;)
install JSON API plugin (http://wordpress.org/plugins/json-api/) and activate it
create a custom post type (http://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Types)
create one category for each project to be wireframed
on each client's wireframe you should include this library at the very end of the js script inclusions.
Thanks for your attention.
we are open source. we are nois3.
- nois3.it
- @wearenois3