
ScadaLTS RPI Installer (Buster 32bit) WORK IN PROGRESS

Primary LanguageShell


  • If git does not work? install git

sudo apt-get install git

ScadaLTS Installer for Rasberry PI

  • default-jdk_1.11-71

  • apache-tomcat-9.0.50

  • mariadb-server_10.3.29-0

  • Scada-LTS 2.5

  • Tested on (Buster 32bit RPI 4)

ScadaLTS Installation:

  • Download the sources

git clone https://github.com/carl1961/ScadaLTS_RPI_Installer.git

  • Move to install folder

cd ScadaLTS_RPI_Installer

  • Give execute permissions to install_scadalts.sh

sudo chmod +x install_scadalts.sh

  • To install ScadaLTS, run the script install_scadalts.sh using the command ./install_scadalts.sh You may have to answer Y for some installs

sudo ./install_scadalts.sh

Remove ScadaLTS Installation:

  • Download the sources

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/carl1961/ScadaLTS_RPI_Installer/main/remove_scadalts.sh

  • Give execute permissions toremove_scadalts.sh

sudo chmod +x remove_scadalts.sh

  • To remove ScadaBR, run the remove_scadalts.sh script via the command ./remove_scadalts.sh

sudo ./remove_scadalts.sh


MariaDB Server, and Scada-LTS Database Auto filled by install_scadalts.sh

When Finish, Rasberry PI will reboot after 5 seconds

To access your Raspberry Pi’s MySQL server and start making changes to your databases, you can enter the following command.

sudo mysql -u root -p

You will be prompted to enter the password

  • mariadb-server_10.3.29-0 PSWD/admin
  • Scada-LTS 2.5 User/admin PSWD/admin
