
Alpha version of a niche comparison service. Statically generated. Now an archived project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Fish Oil Comparison

There is a wide selection of fish oils on iHerb. I found it hard to decide which one to purchase. With the varying levels of omega 3 content, different serving sizes and servings per bottle, user ratings, and PCB & Mercury content this isn't a trivial task.

This lead me to create a tool that allows for dynamic per day pricing based on your requirements, and different sorting methods.

Not bug free and with naivie assumptions but this did lead me to switch from my previous regular Nordic Naturals purchase. I think it will be useful for someone else trying to find the balance between price, quality and guzzling 20 capsules a day.

This could / should be extended to

  • Encompass further data
  • Filtering (type of fish, country of origin, PCB, Mercury etc)
  • Use same logic for different supplements.
  • The Big one: Aggegate from multiple vendors.
  • Add labdoor data

How To Get this running locally

  • Set up the local Scrapy docker install
  • Create a JSON dump using the iherb Scraper
  • Feed this to scrapy
  • Run gatsby, pointing the gatsby-source-strapi.ApiUrl to your localhost docker


Strapi, local docker

cd backend
docker-compose up

After initalizing the local docker instance, you will have to set the public permissions to allow reading of oils.

Once the docker has been configured upload the scraped oil file using

upload-to-api.js filename


Built in GatsbyJS, demo available at fish.carlaiau.com

For local development, set gatsby-source-strapi.ApiUrl to http://localhost:1337

For deployment I have been lazy. I have deployed the gatsby client on Netlify, and used a tunneling service to expose my local docker instance at build time.

iHerb Scraper

Using the Python Scrapy framework. https://scrapy.org/

To create JSON:

cd iherbScraper
scrapy crawl iherb -o output/dump.json

I have not worried about proxying to get USD pricing or anything complicated, this scraper will return your locale pricing if available.

LabDoor Scraper

Written in Node / Cheerio.

But wasn't actually used.

To create JSON:

cd labdoor-scraper
node scraper.js process input_filename output_filename [limit n]


The backend could be skipped, and you could scrape straight to a JSON file, that was then consumed by Gatsby using https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby/tree/master/packages/gatsby-transformer-json

Strapi was used for added flexibility, this project was initially meant to be multiple vendor.