
Photo by Ken Cheung on Unsplash



ft_putstr - writes the string.
ft_is_negative - writes negative or positive char.
ft_print_alphabet - displays alphabet.
ft_print_comb - displays combinations.
ft_print_comb2 - displays combinations.
ft_print_combn - displays unrepeated combinations.
ft_print_numbers - displays 0-9 numbers.
ft_print_reverse_alphabet - displays reverse alphabet.
ft_putchar - displays a char.
ft_putnbr - prints a integer as parameter to stdout.
ft_div_mod - prints div e mod.
ft_ft - prints a pointer.
ft_putstr - displays a string.
ft_rev_int_tab - writes reverse numbers.
ft_sort_int_tab - writes numbers.
ft_strlen - finds a length of string.
ft_swap - swap integer values.
ft_ultimate_div_mod - prints div e mod.
ft_ultimate_ft - displays pointers.
ft_print_memory - displays a memory area.
ft_putstr_non_printable - displays a string.
ft_str_is_alpha - displays 1 for alphabetic char or 0.
ft_str_is_lowercase - displays a lowercase alphabet.
ft_str_is_numeric - displays 1 for numbers or 0 for other char.
ft_str_is_printable - displays 1 for printable char or 0 for other char.
ft_str_is_uppercase - displays a uppercase alphabet.
ft_strcapitalize - displays a capital letter.
ft_strcpy - copy and concatenate strings.
ft_strlcpy - copy and concatenate strings.
ft_strlowcase - displays lowercase string.
ft_strncpy - copy first characteres.
ft_strupcase - displays uppercase string.
ft_strcat - concatenates the specified string.
ft_strcmp - swap integer values.
ft_strlcat - appends the NULL - terminated string src to the end of dst.
ft_strncat - appends the string pointed to by src to the end of the string.
ft_strncmp - compare characters of two strings.
ft_strstr - finds the first occurrence of the substring needle.
ft_atoi - changes an alphanumeric to interger.
ft_atoi_base - changes an alphanumeric to interger.
ft_putnbr - displays number with a write function.
ft_putnbr_base - displays number with a write function.
ft_putstr - writes a string to an output unit.
ft_strlen - returns a length of a string in bytes.
ft_fibonacci - displays a fibonacci sequence recursively.
ft_find_next_prime - returns next prime number.
ft_is_prime - displays next prime number.
ft_iterative_factorial - displays a factorial number.
ft_iterative_power - recursive function.
ft_recursive_factorial - returns a factorial recursively.
ft_recursive_power - displays a recursive function.
ft_sqrt - calculate an integer recursively.