
This is the repository of our second project in Ironhack's Web Development Bootcamp

Primary LanguageCSS


This project was deployed in Heroku: https://save-my-date.herokuapp.com/

Brief Description

This was a project developed in Ironhack Lisbon's web development Bootcamp. It was built by a team of three students: Guilherme Carmona, Natasha Silva e Carla Mendes.

It was built in order to incorporate the learning of module 2 of the curriculum, using the following technologies and tools:

  • Node.Js;
  • MongoDB;
  • Express.Js;
  • Bootstrap -> We had a limitation of 200 lines of CSS;
  • Zomato Gold API -> Which was used to find establishments in the city of our choosing, but in end was also a limitation since it only shows whichever is registered in their database;

This project was made with love, team work and friendship and we are incredibly proud of it.


To start the project in development mode:

$ npm run dev

In case the PORT 3060 is already in use

$ kill $(lsof -t -i:3060)