
This is the repository of our final project in Ironhack's Web Development Bootcamp

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project was deployed in Heroku: https://ih-smart-shelf.herokuapp.com/

Brief Description

Users are able to create and/or join libraries where they can upload their available books to share them with other members. Once the User joins a library, he is able to add new books, leave reviews with ratings and borrow books, that will be displayed in the profile page, together with all the libraries that he is a member of.

Nearby libraries are displayed in a map, where you can see the available books and ask to join it. It is also possible to send invitation trough e-mail so that anyone can join.

The goal is to help organize and create a book sharing enviroment in, for example, a workplace, commercial stabilisment or even for personal use. Keeping track of how long someone has been with a book and due dates do return it

This was a project developed in Ironhack Lisbon's web development Bootcamp. It was built by a team of three students: Guilherme Carmona, Natasha Silva e Carla Mendes.

It was built in order to incorporate the learning of module 3 of the curriculum, using the following technologies and tools:

React Reactstrap + Bootstrap Node.Js; Mapbox; Nodemailer; MongoDB; Express.Js; Google Books API -> Which was used to find books in to create a better user experience for user when adding their books to the database.

This project was made with love, team work and friendship and we are incredibly proud of it.

Guideline of errors

Send the right status code

Your backend API sends some status code at every request. By default, it will send 200, which means OK, everything went fine.

If something bad happened, you should a send a different status code:

  • 400 Bad Request: Something is missing in wrong in the request (eg: missing data).
  • 401 Unauthorized: For missing or bad authentication.
  • 403 Forbidden: When the user is authenticated but isn’t authorized to perform the requested operation on the given resource.
  • 404 Not Found: The resources/route doesn't exist.
  • 409 Conflict: The request couldn't be completed because of a conflict (eg for signup: email already taken).
  • 500 Internal Server Error: The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

By sending the write status code, you will catch more easily your error on the client side.

Example on the server side

// If the user is not connected for a protected resource, we can send him this
res.status(401).json({ message: "You must be connected" })

Example on the client side

// Call to api.getSecret()
//   In case of success, state.secret is saved
//   In case of error (status code 4xx or 5xx), state.message contains the message from the error
  .then(data => this.setState({ secret: data.secret }))
  .catch(err => this.setState({ message: err.toString() }))