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Computer Science 4-Year Roadmap

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Welcome to the comprehensive Computer Science 4-Year Roadmap! This guide will help you navigate through the essential topics in computer science over the next four years. Before we dive in, here's what you should have first:

  • LinkedIn: Follow me on LinkedIn so we can connect. If you're looking for job opportunities or need recommendations, I'm here to help.
  • GitHub: Having a GitHub account is crucial for showcasing your projects and collaborating with others. Learn why GitHub is important.
  • Computer: You'll need a computer to code and run programs. If you don't have one yet, consider buying a laptop or desktop.
  • Internet Connection: A stable internet connection is essential for online learning and collaboration.
  • Text Editor: A text editor is a program for writing code. I recommend Visual Studio Code.
  • Browser: A browser is a program for accessing websites. I recommend Google Chrome. or Mozilla Firefox.
  • Motivation: Computer science is a challenging field, so it's essential to stay motivated. Remember your goals and why you're pursuing computer science.

Table of Contents

Year 1: Foundations

Programming Fundamentals

Why Learn This? Programming forms the core of computer science. It's essential to understand programming concepts to create software and applications.

What to Learn:

  • Python: A versatile language for beginners.
  • Variables, Data Types: Building blocks of programming.
  • Loops, Functions: Essential control structures.


Algorithms and Data Structures

Why Learn This? Algorithms and data structures are fundamental for efficient problem-solving and software development.

What to Learn:

  • Sorting Algorithms: Efficient ways to sort data.
  • Arrays, Linked Lists: Organizing and managing data.


Capstone Project Options

Why This? Capstone projects help you apply your skills to practical applications.

Choose one:

  1. To-Do List Application: Develop a practical application.
  2. Number Guessing Game: Create an interactive game.
  3. Simple Blog Site: Gain experience in web development.
  4. Calculator: Build a functional app with algorithms.
  5. Personal Portfolio Website: Showcase your skills and projects.

Year 2: Building Core Knowledge

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Why Learn This? OOP enhances code organization, reusability, and understanding, vital for large-scale development.

What to Learn:

  • Classes, Objects: Core OOP concepts.
  • Inheritance, Encapsulation: Advanced OOP Principles


Discrete Mathematics

Why Learn This? Discrete math provides logical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for computer science.

What to Learn:

  • Logic: Enhance logical reasoning.
  • Sets, Relations, and Graphs: Essential Structures


Web Development

Why Learn This? Web development skills are in high demand, enabling you to create interactive applications.

What to Learn:

  • HTML, CSS: Structure and style web pages.
  • JavaScript: Create interactive elements.


Capstone Project Options

Why This? Capstone projects challenge you to combine your skills and create sophisticated applications.

Choose one:

  1. Interactive Portfolio Website: Showcase skills and interact with users.
  2. Online Quiz Platform: Implement authentication and databases.
  3. E-commerce Storefront: Develop user interfaces and back-end functionality.
  4. Weather App: Fetch and display real-time data.
  5. Personal Blog Site: Enhance your blog with additional features.

Year 3: Advanced Concepts

Software Engineering

Why Learn This? Understanding software development methodologies and version control is essential for collaborative coding.

What to Learn:

  • SDLC: Learn software development life cycle models.
  • Git: Master version control for teamwork.


Databases and SQL

Why Learn This? Databases and SQL are crucial for data storage, retrieval, and management.

What to Learn:

  • Relational Databases: Learn tables, relationships, and normalization.
  • SQL Queries: Retrieve and manipulate data.


Networking Basics

Why Learn This? Understanding networking underlies modern computing and is vital for building web applications and systems.

What to Learn:

  • TCP/IP: Learn protocols and communication.
  • HTTP, HTTPS: Understand web communication.


Capstone Project Options

Why This? Complex capstone projects demonstrate your growing skillset.

Choose one:

  1. Task Management App: Apply programming skills to a practical app.
  2. Social Media Platform: Create a platform with user profiles and posts.
  3. Online Bookstore: Build an e-commerce site with product listings.
  4. Chat Application: Develop real-time communication.
  5. Personal Finance Tracker: Visualize income and expenses.

Year 4: Specializations and Beyond

Machine Learning and AI Fundamentals

Why Learn This? Machine learning and AI are transforming industries, offering diverse career opportunities.

What to Learn:

  • Machine Learning Basics: Study supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.
  • Neural Networks: Explore deep learning.


Cloud Computing and DevOps

Why Learn This? Cloud computing is prevalent, and DevOps streamlines development and deployment.

What to Learn:

  • Cloud Platforms: Learn about AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.
  • Containerization: Understand Docker and Kubernetes.


Choose a Specialization

Why This? Specializations enhance expertise and career prospects. Choose based on your interests.

Select one:

  • Cybersecurity: Secure systems, networks, and data.
  • Data Science: Analyze data and make data-driven decisions.
  • Game Development: Learn about game engines and graphics.
  • Robotics: Study robotics programming and control.

Capstone Project Options

Why This? Specialization-related projects showcase your in-depth knowledge.

Choose one or improvise:

  1. Machine Learning Model: Develop a model for image recognition.
  2. Cloud-based App: Create an app hosted on a cloud platform.
  3. Specialization-Related Project: Tackle a project aligned with your chosen domain.
  4. Open Source Contribution: Contribute to an open-source project.
  5. Innovative Project: Combine technologies for a creative solution.

Tips on Landing a Job

  1. Build a Portfolio: Showcase your projects on GitHub.
  2. Networking: Follow me on LinkedIn and connect with professionals.
  3. Internships and Co-ops: Gain practical experience through internships.
  4. Continuous Learning: Stay updated with the latest technologies and industry trends.
  5. Resume and Cover Letter: Craft a tailored resume and cover letter.

Choosing a Specialization

  • Cybersecurity: If you're passionate about safeguarding systems and data from threats.
  • Data Science: If you enjoy analyzing data to extract insights.
  • Game Development: If you're interested in creating interactive experiences.
  • Robotics: Study robotics programming and control.

Why GitHub?

GitHub is a platform for version control and collaborative coding. It's essential for:

  • Showcasing your projects to potential employers.
  • Collaborating with others on coding projects.
  • Demonstrating your coding skills and contributions.

Follow me on GitHub for collaboration: carlcastanas

Possible Job Roles and Salary Estimates

Job Role Salary Range (USD) Salary Range (PHP) Salary Range (AUD)
Software Engineer $80,000 - $140,000 PHP 400,000 - 800,000 AUD 90,000 - 150,000
Data Engineer $90,000 - $160,000 PHP 450,000 - 900,000 AUD 100,000 - 170,000
UI/UX Designer $70,000 - $120,000 PHP 350,000 - 600,000 AUD 80,000 - 130,000
Game Developer $70,000 - $130,000 PHP 350,000 - 750,000 AUD 80,000 - 150,000
Security Analyst $75,000 - $130,000 PHP 380,000 - 650,000 AUD 85,000 - 145,000


Congratulations on completing the comprehensive 4-Year Computer Science Roadmap! Remember that this roadmap is a foundation, and the field of computer science offers endless opportunities for growth. Stay curious, keep learning, and embrace challenges to excel in the dynamic world of technology.

For more resources and updates, explore online learning platforms like Coursera, edX, Khan Academy, and Codecademy. If you have questions or want to collaborate, follow me on GitHub and connect with me on LinkedIn.