
📬 A simple Gmail client using Spring Boot & Thymeleaf.

Primary LanguageJava

(G)Mail Sender

A small Spring Boot application for sending emails from a Gmail account via a simple Thymeleaf ui.

alt text


  • Java 8
  • Gradle 2.1+
  • A valid Gmail account spring.mail.username with an application password spring.mail.password
    • Application passwords can be created by visiting https://security.google.com/settings/security/apppasswords


  • From the root directory run./gradlew bootRun, then visit localhost:8080/send in your browser
  • A valid email address and subject are required when sending
  • View Email objects in H2 database by hitting localhost:8080/h2-console -> Connect
    • application creates ~/test.h2.db, ~/test.lock.db, ~/test.trace.db
  • Integration tests with ./gradlew test