
API for classqa.carl.fun

Primary LanguagePython

API for Class Q&A

API for classqa.carl.fun

This repository is split into two repositories. Below is the link to our frontend. https://github.com/carlcortright/oo-frontend

Group Members

Carl Cortright and Avery Olson

Project Overview

In class, many students don’t have the courage to ask a question in front of a large lecture. We plan to develop a webapp that will allow a student who has a question to text a phone number, adding their question to a queue for the professor to answer. The professor can then scan questions, and if the question is going to be answered in the upcoming slides she can then decide to defer answering until it is covered.

Installing and executing

First install virtualenv if you dont have it:

pip3 install virtualenv

Then create a new virtual environment. Make sure to do this in the project directory. This isolates the package installs you do so it doesn’t mess with your python env:

virtualenv env

Next activate and install the project requiremnts:

source env/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt

Next set up a .env file with local environment variables. Create a file called .env in the root of this project with the following content:


Then you can set up the local database:

python manage.py migrate

Finally run the dev server:

python manage.py runserver

Running with text messages locally requires an ngrok account.