
Desktop notifications for long-running commands in zsh.

Primary LanguageShell

Find a version that works with iTerm2's nightlies in the “next-iterm” branch →


A plugin for the Z shell (on OS X and Linux) that posts desktop notifications when a command terminates with a non-zero exit status or when it took more than 30 seconds to complete, if the terminal application is in the background (or the command's terminal tab is inactive).


  • Either Terminal.app or iTerm2 on OSX and any terminal emulator on Linux should work.

  • terminal-notifier.app is required for posting to Mountain Lion's Notification Center

  • growlnotify is required for posting to Growl in previous versions of Mac OS X.

  • notify-send (libnotify-bin) and xdotool are required for Linux systems. Wmctrl is optional and provides support for focusing the terminal in addition to a notification.


Just source notify.plugin.zsh.


While notifications about failed commands are always posted, notifications for successful commands are posted only if they took at least 30 seconds to complete. To change the timeout set the NOTIFY_COMMAND_COMPLETE_TIMEOUT environment variable to a different value in seconds.

Also, the plugin assumes that both terminal-notifier and growlnotify are installed in /usr/local/bin. You can change these defaults by setting the $SYS_NOTIFIER or $GROWL_NOTIFIER environment variables.

On Linux if you have wmctrl installed, then you can set the $ZSH_NOTIFY_FOCUS_TERMINAL enviroment variable to "true" to change focus to the terminal emulator window when a notification is posted. By default the terminal window will just demand attention.