
A Docker image for a FastCGI MapServer instance

Primary LanguageShell

A FastCGI MapServer instance

This image implements a MapServer instance accepting FastCGI connections.

It listens by default on port 9001, and expects MapServer map files and related data to be available in a volume mounted on /data.


The following will start a MapServer instance listening on port 9001 for FastCGI connections, and serving MapServer data from the directory /some/mapserver/data:

$ docker run \
    --volume=/some/mapserver/data:/data:ro \

If you want to listen on a different port, use the FCGI_LISTEN_PORT environment variable:

$ docker run \
    --volume=/some/mapserver/data:/data:ro \
	--env=FCGI_LISTEN_PORT=9022 \

You will need a web server to expose MapServer to your clients via HTTP. The GitHub repository carletes/docker-mapserver-example shows a way of doing it.

Configurable parameters

The following environment variables can set in order to tweak the behaviour of MapServer:

Variable Description Default value
FCGI_LISTEN_ADDRESS Listening address for FastCGI requests
FCGI_LISTEN_PORT Listening port for FastCGI requests 9001
FCGI_NPROC Nimber of FastCGI child processes to spawn 1
FCGI_BACKLOG TCP connection backlog for FastCGI requests 1024
FCGI_UID Unix UID of FastCGI process mapserver
FCGI_GID Unix GID of FastCGI process mapserver

All MapServer environment variables may be specified as well. This images runs with the following non-default MapServer environment variables:

MapServer variable Value used in this image