Rename reasoncms to reason_package and move the directory outside your web root.
Run the install.sh script in the reason_package folder and follow instructions.
Run /reason/setup.php in your browser and follow instructions.
Move reason_package outside your web root.
Create a symbolic link called reason from your document root directory to ./reason_4.0/www/
- Example:
ln -s /absolute/path/to/reason_package/reason_4.0/www/ /absolute/path/to/document_root/reason
- Example:
Create a symbolic link called reason_package your document root directory to ./www/
- Example:
ln -s /absolute/path/to/reason_package/www/ /absolute/path/to/document_root/reason_package
- Example:
Visit /reason/setup.php in your web browser.
For manual installation instructions, see ./reason_4.0/www/install.htm
Visit /reason/upgrade.php on your web server.
Reason CMS is designed to make it simple for content creators to create content.
Reason CMS is more capable than Wordpress, and simpler than Drupal.
Reason CMS is free and open source - released under the GNU General Public License Version 2.