Signup Sheets is a block to allow users to create date-time based openings and specify other users that may sign up for those openings. This block is user-centric rather than course-centric. This block works with moodle 1.9.x, and NOT with 2.x (that's a work in progress...) INSTALLATION ------------ This block uses the standard moodle block installation process: put the files in place, enter local configuration info, visit the admin notifications page, and you're good to go. 1. download / fork the repository 2. put the files is <moodle_root>/blocks/signup_sheets (NOTE: the directory must be named "signup_sheets"!) 3. put in local configuration info in 4 functions near the end of sus_lib.php + sus_block_name + sus_moodle_name + sus_reminders_email_address + sus_default_from_email_address 4. log in to your moodle instance as admin 5. go to http://<moodleinstance>/admin/index.php (the Notifications page - usually the top link in the Site Administration block) ======================================================================================== CODE TO DO ---------- + various pre-use variable checking to reduce log warnings/messages PROJECT TO DO ------------- + developer documentation (architecture, code, styles) TO TEST ------- + interaction with other blocks/modules/themes that use jquery + cron processes (daily reminder emails) NOTE: as of 2011/06/29 there was some question about whether reminder emails are working, though the alert emails are fine WISH LIST --------- + ics, ical, google cal etc. integration/export + groups relevance