
This repository contains data on the Swedish court system in JSON format.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Swedish Court System


This repository contains data on the Swedish court system in JSON format.

  • Names
  • Addresses
  • Cities
  • Relations
  • Instance levels
  • Status as special tribunals


The court data has not yet gone through quality assurance. See section 5 of the CC BY 4.0 license for complete disclaimers.

This data set has been independently compiled.


  • General district courts ("tingsrätter")
  • Courts of appeal ("hovrätter")
  • Administrative courts ("förvaltningsdomstolar")
  • Administrative courts of appeal ("kammarrätter")
  • Supreme court ("högsta domstolen")
  • Supreme administrative court ("högsta förvaltningsdomstolen")
  • Coordinates


The contents of this repository is licensed under CC BY 4.0 Attribution International. The terms of the license are set out in LICENSE.md.

The Markdown formatted license is graciously provided by @idleberg, see https://github.com/idleberg/Creative-Commons-Markdown for more.