Epidemiologist and research software engineer in the Healthy Liveable Cities group of the Centre for Urban Research at RMIT University.
RMIT UniversityMelbourne, Australia
Pinned Repositories
Forked from the University of Cambridge-hosted JIBE Agent-based modelling and Java training, incorporating TUM Object-oriented programming for transport engineers Java course. This fork will be used to commit assignments for the latter.
Data on births by postcode may not be available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, however some disease incidence data is only available for postcodes. This code relates data on persons aged zero at the 2016 census for Australian postcodes to Queensland open data on births by mother's postcode of residence to see if it matches well.
As of 31 August 2022, the Australian Bureau of Statistics has only released the 2021 census Mesh Block dwelling counts as an Excel file, with data stratified across 12 worksheets. This repository contains a Jupyter Notebook with code used to compile national- and state-specific CSV files to assist users to more readily link this data with digital boundary files, and otherwise uses it in scripted analyses.
A repository of supplementary material for the Australian National Liveability Study 2018, including data dictionaries, metadata and usage notes
Example code for evaluating tolerance for intersection cleaning using OSMnx
Data linkage analysis for Deepti Adlakha and Jim Sallis, relating COVID-19 mortality to urban population density.
This repository contains the code used for creation of the pilot- and 15-indicator revised versions of the Urban Liveability Index for Melbourne, 2012.
An open-source tool for calculating and reporting spatial indicators for healthy, sustainable cities worldwide using open or custom data.
Interactive visualisation app for exploring health impacts of urban planning scenarios based on large-scale transport and health simulation modelling.
Travel survey data preparation to inform JIBE mode choice modelling
carlhiggs's Repositories
As of 31 August 2022, the Australian Bureau of Statistics has only released the 2021 census Mesh Block dwelling counts as an Excel file, with data stratified across 12 worksheets. This repository contains a Jupyter Notebook with code used to compile national- and state-specific CSV files to assist users to more readily link this data with digital boundary files, and otherwise uses it in scripted analyses.
A repository of supplementary material for the Australian National Liveability Study 2018, including data dictionaries, metadata and usage notes
Example code for evaluating tolerance for intersection cleaning using OSMnx
This repository contains the code used for creation of the pilot- and 15-indicator revised versions of the Urban Liveability Index for Melbourne, 2012.
Forked from the University of Cambridge-hosted JIBE Agent-based modelling and Java training, incorporating TUM Object-oriented programming for transport engineers Java course. This fork will be used to commit assignments for the latter.
Data on births by postcode may not be available from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, however some disease incidence data is only available for postcodes. This code relates data on persons aged zero at the 2016 census for Australian postcodes to Queensland open data on births by mother's postcode of residence to see if it matches well.
Testing Amplify Gen 2 starter application
Power calculator for classical twin studies
This repository contains project code and documentation for a Master of Biostatistics research project simulation study investigating power to detect a difference in correlations in monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs.
An open-source tool for calculating spatial indicators for healthy, sustainable cities worldwide using open or custom data.
This Rmarkdown file provides an example multimodal analysis from origins to destinations to inform modelling in the JIBE project.
Data linkage analysis for Deepti Adlakha and Jim Sallis, relating COVID-19 mortality to urban population density.
Simple PDF generation for Python
Lightweight GTFS Analysis
:triangular_ruler: Jekyll theme for building a personal site, blog, project documentation, or portfolio.
Analysis of RMIT 2022 read and publish agreements for journals through Council of Australian Unviersity Librarians, linked with scimagojr journal rankings (2019) by key terms of interest to population health, urban planning and environmental science
A software framework for calculation, management and export of spatial indicators for urban environments
A website created as exercises for Harry Percival's 'Test Driven Development with Python'
A test of using a research project template structure to create a public repository
Testing the mm jekyll starter theme
This is a test for a presentation i am giving on git and github
A fork of the HLC trips-replace repository, to assist with Shiny app implementation
Urban Monitor R Shiny interactive map visualisation of tree coverage percentage for Greater Sydney region (2016)