StudyChoiceHub is a platform were students can share their study experience with scholars to make their study choosing proces easier.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

STUDYCHOICEHUB - a social platform where students and scholars can connect

What this app is about

Scholars are expected to make the choice of which direction they want to go with their future very early. Choosing a study is not easy and studying got more expensive when our government decided to stop the free study finance.

I came up with this app to make the process of choosing a study easier. This app is a place where (ex) students can leave a review on their study, share stories (videos) to show their school or studying sessions and answer questions scholars have on studies.

Used technologies and concepts

  • React for UI building
  • Redux for state management
  • TypeScript
  • Authentication
  • Express
    • REST API
  • Sequelize as ORM
  • Cloudinary to upload video's

Goals for this project

The goal of this project is to build a full stack app, practicing known and exploring new technologies. During the development of this app I learned TypeScript as a new tool independently by reading the documentation, consulting forums like StackOverflow and watching online (youtube)videos.

  • Practice building a full-stack app
  • Build a working prototype in 2 weeks
  • Apply what we learned over the past 7 weeks the Codaisseur full stack bootcamp
  • Extend knowledge of a new technology independently
  • Showcase and document development skills using:
    • Wireframes
    • Data model
    • Writing user stories
    • Kanban project approach
    • Transparant and structured Git version control

User stories

  • As a website visitor I am able to explore studies and see Reviews and Asked Questions and Answers
  • As a website visitor I am able to create an account eighter as a student or as a scholar
  • As a scholar I am able to post questions to different studies
  • As a scholar I can view Studystories posted by Students
  • As a student I am able to answer questions that were asked
  • As a student I am able to upload a studystory eighter from my laptop or phone library or by using my phone's camera

I am planning to implement the following user stories

  • As a scholar I can save studies I like to my favorites
  • As a user I can upload a profile picture
  • As a user I can send Direct Messages to users if I want to ask a specific question about their experience

This project is a work in progress. Some features still need to be implemented and revised. Any suggestions or feedback is welcome, please let me know! You can contact me here

Project details

Github Project Board

Click here to see the Project Board


Click here to see the wireframes

Database Diagram

Click here to see the database diagram

Git version Control

I understand the need for solid version control and tried to

  • Write clear commit messages
  • Use a development branch as main untill product is finished
  • Name branches by feature
  • Do pull requests after finishing a feature

Backend repository

Click here to see the backend repository