
Translations of the TPC-DS benchmark queries from SQL to Malloy

Implementation of TPC-DS data warehouse benchmark queries using the Malloy query language. Follow along with the adventure here.

TPC-DS queries are run using DuckDB:

Queries are taken from DuckDB's extensions directory:

Data is from Altinity's TPC-DS repository:

To get started:

  • Get data from the Altinity repo linked above
  • Unzip the archive in the data/ subfolder. You'll need to concatenate the split data archive using a command like:
cat *.zip.00* > data.zip
unzip data.zip

Also note that DuckDB didn't like the input for customer_001.dat table due to non-utf8 characters. To strip non-utf8 characters, run:

iconv -f utf-8 -t utf-8 -c customer_001.dat > customer_001.dat.utf8
mv customer_001.dat.utf8 customer_001.dat
  • Open DuckDB shell, load the TPC-DS schema into duckdb:
.read tpcds_schema.sql
  • Import data into DuckDB
.read load.sql
  • Export files to Parquet
.read export.sql
  • Optional: run EXPORT DATABASE 'data/duckdb' to export the full DB for easier use next time
  • Optional: next time you open DuckDB, you can simply run IMPORT DATABASE 'data/duckdb'