Fork this project and add your repository name
+ repository link
+ author
+ original repository link
to weFork
, then make a pull request so will look like this:
| Repository | Author |Forks|
|[Repo Name](Desired URL)|[Repo Name](Original Repo URL)|![[Repo Name](ForkImagen)](RepoURL/fork)|
|[Repo Name](Desired URL)|[Repo Name](Original Repo URL)|![[Repo Name](](RepoURL/fork)|
| [Atom :atom:]( |
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Repo Name Repo Desired URL (ex: atom)
⬆️ ⬆️
Repo Name Repo Original URL
⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️
Repo Name Repo Live Fork Imagen Original Repo URL/fork
We will fork your repository with your desired Repo Name
+ your desired Repo Link
. Make sure the desired url is not taken by someone else's repository
If you want to join the Fork-it
Organization just click on join, then follow the instructions, and you will be for sure part of us.
2017 © let's Fork It.