CI Plumber

CodeFactor PyPI - Python Version PyPI PyPI - Downloads python-app DOI

A tool to create and configure all of the stages of a CI/CD pipeline.

Current integrations:

  • Gitlab
  • Gitlab pipelines
  • Azure App Service
  • Azure Image Registry
  • Azure MariaDB
  • Openshift
  • Openshift MariaDB

Full documentation is available here.


pip install ci-plumber[all]


  • oc CLI tool
  • az CLI tool



# Initialise the project
ci-plumber gitlab init


# Deploy from the current docker registry to OpenShift
ci-plumber openshift deploy

# Create a new DB and store the credentials in maria.env
ci-plumber openshift create-db


# Log in to Azure
ci-plumber azure login

# List your Azure subscriptions
ci-plumber azure list-subscriptions

# Set the subscription to use
ci-plumber azure set-default-subscription

# Create a docker registry
ci-plumber azure create-registry

# Trigger a build and push
git add .
git commit -m "Added Azure CI file"
git tag -a v1.0.0 -m "Version 1.0.0"
git push --follow-tags

# Deploy to Azure
ci-plumber azure create-app

# Create a database and store the credentials in maria.env
ci-plumber azure create-db



# Install dependencies
$ poetry install
$ poetry shell

# Install git hooks
$ pre-commit install
$ pre-commit autoupdate
$ pre-commit run --all-files

# Symlink the plugins back to the main project
$ ln -s ./plugins/example/ci_plumber_example/ ./ci_plumber_example
$ ln -s ./plugins/gitlab/ci_plumber_gitlab/ ./ci_plumber_gitlab
$ ln -s ./plugins/openshift/ci_plumber_openshift/ ./ci_plumber_openshift
$ ln -s ./plugins/azure/ci_plumber_azure/ ./ci_plumber_azure


  • Runs checks on commit
    • Flake8
    • Black
    • pre-commit-hooks checks
    • mypy
    • isort
  • Installable as a script