
Integrating data.world datasets with DBI and RStudio Connections

Primary LanguageR

dwDBI: A DBI interface for data.world datasets


The dwDBI package provides:

  1. A light DBI wrapper around the data.world API package. The benefit of this is that you can write SQL queries in RMarkdown chunks and evaluate them.
  2. Contracts that let you browse data.world datasets with the RStudio Connections panel.

Querying data.world dataset in RMarkdown Notebooks

First import the package.


Make sure that you've configured your data.world API key.

dwapi::configure('YOUR API KEY HERE')

To run a SQL query, connect to a data.world dataset with the dw_connect() function.

sql101_conn <- dw_connect('ryantuck/sql-101-training')

In RStudio, you can write and run SQL code chunks by specifying a connection option.

# ```{sql, connection=sql101_conn}
#     ... your query here ...

Running the SQL code chunk returns a data frame.

select *
from customers
order by `last`
id first last
14 Margaret Atwood
2 Jane Austen
12 Charlotte Brontë
20 Emily Brontë
0 Ernest Hemingway
17 Victor Hugo
10 Franz Kafka
8 Jack Kerouac
16 Harper Lee
6 Vladimir Nabokov

RStudio Connections

You can also explore the tables in data.world datasets in the RStudio Connections pane. Just use the "New Connection" button in the pane, select the "Data.World" connection type, and enter the name of the dataset you want to view.