
Container to update DNS records periodically with WebUI for many DNS providers

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Lightweight universal DDNS Updater with Docker and web UI

Light container updating DNS A and/or AAAA records periodically for multiple DNS providers

DDNS Updater logo

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  • Updates periodically A records for different DNS providers:
    • Aliyun
    • AllInkl
    • Cloudflare
    • DD24
    • DDNSS.de
    • deSEC
    • DigitalOcean
    • DonDominio
    • DNSOMatic
    • DNSPod
    • Dreamhost
    • DuckDNS
    • DynDNS
    • Dynu
    • EasyDNS
    • FreeDNS
    • Gandi
    • GCP
    • GoDaddy
    • He.net
    • Hetzner
    • Infomaniak
    • INWX
    • Ionos
    • Linode
    • LuaDNS
    • Name.com
    • Namecheap
    • Netcup
    • NoIP
    • Now-DNS
    • Njalla
    • OpenDNS
    • OVH
    • Porkbun
    • Selfhost.de
    • Servercow.de
    • Spdyn
    • Strato.de
    • Variomedia.de
    • Zoneedit
    • Want more? Create an issue for it!
  • Web User interface

Web UI

  • 11MB Docker image based on a Go static binary in a Scratch Docker image
  • Persistence with a JSON file updates.json to store old IP addresses with change times for each record
  • Docker healthcheck verifying the DNS resolution of your domains
  • Highly configurable
  • Send notifications with Shoutrrr using SHOUTRRR_ADDRESSES
  • Compatible with amd64, 386, arm64, armv7, armv6, s390x, ppc64le, riscv64 CPU architectures.


The program reads the configuration from a JSON object, either from a file or from an environment variable.

  1. Create a directory of your choice, say data with a file named config.json inside:

    mkdir data
    touch data/config.json
    # Owned by user ID of Docker container (1000)
    chown -R 1000 data
    # all access (for creating json database file data/updates.json)
    chmod 700 data
    # read access only
    chmod 400 data/config.json

    If you want to use another user ID, build the image yourself with --build-arg UID=<your-uid>. You could also just run the container as root with --user="0" but this is not advised security wise.

  2. Write a JSON configuration in data/config.json, for example:

        "settings": [
                "provider": "namecheap",
                "domain": "example.com",
                "host": "@",
                "password": "e5322165c1d74692bfa6d807100c0310"

    You can find more information in the configuration section to customize it.

  3. Run the container with

    docker run -d -p 8000:8000/tcp -v "$(pwd)"/data:/updater/data qmcgaw/ddns-updater
  4. (Optional) You can also set your JSON configuration as a single environment variable line (i.e. {"settings": [{"provider": "namecheap", ...}]}), which takes precedence over config.json. Note however that if you don't bind mount the /updater/data directory, there won't be a persistent database file /updater/updates.json but it will still work.

Next steps


You can also use docker-compose.yml with:

docker-compose up -d

You can update the image with docker pull qmcgaw/ddns-updater. Other Docker image tags are available.


Check out the k8s directory for an installation guide and examples.


Images are also added to the Github Container Registry. To use the GHCR container replace qmcgaw/ddns-updater to ghcr.io/qdm12/ddns-updater, further details are available here


Start by having the following content in config.json, or in your CONFIG environment variable:

    "settings": [
            "provider": "",
            "provider": "",

For each setting, you need to fill in parameters. Check the documentation for your DNS provider:

Note that:

  • you can specify multiple hosts for the same domain using a comma separated list. For example with "host": "@,subdomain1,subdomain2",.

Environment variables

🆕 There are now flags equivalent for each variable below, for example --ipv6-prefix.

Environment variable Default Description
CONFIG One line JSON object containing the entire config (takes precedence over config.json file) if specified
PERIOD 5m Default period of IP address check, following this format
PUBLICIP_FETCHERS all Comma separated fetcher types to obtain the public IP address from http and dns
PUBLICIP_HTTP_PROVIDERS all Comma separated providers to obtain the public IP address (ipv4 or ipv6). See the Public IP section
PUBLICIPV4_HTTP_PROVIDERS all Comma separated providers to obtain the public IPv4 address only. See the Public IP section
PUBLICIPV6_HTTP_PROVIDERS all Comma separated providers to obtain the public IPv6 address only. See the Public IP section
PUBLICIP_DNS_PROVIDERS all Comma separated providers to obtain the public IP address (IPv4 and/or IPv6). See the Public IP section
PUBLICIP_DNS_TIMEOUT 3s Public IP DNS query timeout
UPDATE_COOLDOWN_PERIOD 5m Duration to cooldown between updates for each record. This is useful to avoid being rate limited or banned.
HTTP_TIMEOUT 10s Timeout for all HTTP requests
LISTENING_ADDRESS :8000 Internal TCP listening port for the web UI
ROOT_URL / URL path to append to all paths to the webUI (i.e. /ddns for accessing https://example.com/ddns through a proxy)
HEALTH_SERVER_ADDRESS Health server listening address
HEALTH_HEALTHCHECKSIO_UUID UUID for healthchecks.io to send a heartbeat on every update check
DATADIR /updater/data Directory to read and write data files from internally
BACKUP_PERIOD 0 Set to a period (i.e. 72h15m) to enable zip backups of data/config.json and data/updates.json in a zip file
BACKUP_DIRECTORY /updater/data Directory to write backup zip files to if BACKUP_PERIOD is not 0.
RESOLVER_ADDRESS Your network DNS A plaintext DNS address to use, such as This is useful for split dns, see #389
LOG_LEVEL info Level of logging, debug, info, warning or error
LOG_CALLER hidden Show caller per log line, hidden or short
SHOUTRRR_ADDRESSES (optional) Comma separated list of Shoutrrr addresses (notification services)
SHOUTRRR_DEFAULT_TITLE DDNS Updater Default title for Shoutrrr notifications
TZ Timezone to have accurate times, i.e. America/Montreal

Public IP

By default, all public IP fetching types are used and cycled (over DNS and over HTTPs).

On top of that, for each fetching method, all echo services available are cycled on each request.

This allows you not to be blocked for making too many requests.

You can otherwise customize it with the following:

  • PUBLICIP_HTTP_PROVIDERS gets your public IPv4 or IPv6 address. It can be one or more of the following:
  • PUBLICIPV4_HTTP_PROVIDERS gets your public IPv4 address only. It can be one or more of the following:
  • PUBLICIPV6_HTTP_PROVIDERS gets your public IPv6 address only. It can be one or more of the following:
  • PUBLICIP_DNS_PROVIDERS gets your public IPv4 address only or IPv6 address only or one of them (see #136). It can be one or more of the following:
    • cloudflare
    • opendns

Host firewall

If you have a host firewall in place, this container needs the following ports:

  • TCP 443 outbound for outbound HTTPS
  • UDP 53 outbound for outbound DNS resolution
  • TCP 8000 inbound (or other) for the WebUI


At program start and every period (5 minutes by default):

  1. Fetch your public IP address
  2. For each record:
    1. DNS resolve it to obtain its current IP address(es)
      • If the resolution fails, update the record with your public IP address by calling the DNS provider API and finish
    2. Check if your public IP address is within the resolved IP addresses
      • Yes: skip the update
      • No: update the record with your public IP address by calling the DNS provider API

💡 We do DNS resolution every period so it detects a change made to the record manually, for example on the DNS provider web UI 💡 As DNS resolutions are essentially free and without rate limiting, these are great to avoid getting banned for too many requests.

Special case: Cloudflare

For Cloudflare records with the proxied option, the following is done.

At program start and every period (5 minutes by default), for each record:

  1. Fetch your public IP address
  2. For each record:
    1. Check the last IP address (persisted in updates.json) for that record
      • If it doesn't exist, update the record with your public IP address by calling the DNS provider API and finish
    2. Check if your public IP address matches the last IP address you updated the record with
      • Yes: skip the update
      • No: update the record with your public IP address by calling the DNS provider API

This is the only way as doing a DNS resolution on the record will give the IP address of a Cloudflare server instead of your server.

⚠️ This has the disadvantage that if the record is changed manually, the program will not detect it. We could do an API call to get the record IP address every period, but that would get you banned especially with a low period duration.


  • The automated healthcheck verifies all your records are up to date using DNS lookups
  • You can also manually check, by:
    1. Going to your DNS management webpage
    2. Setting your record to
    3. Run the container
    4. Refresh the DNS management webpage and verify the update happened

Build the image

You can build the image yourself with:

docker build -t qmcgaw/ddns-updater https://github.com/qdm12/ddns-updater.git

You can use optional build arguments with --build-arg KEY=VALUE from the table below:

Build argument Default Description
UID 1000 User ID running the container
GID 1000 User group ID running the container
VERSION unknown Version of the program and Docker image
CREATED an unknown date Build date of the program and Docker image
COMMIT unknown Commit hash of the program and Docker image

Development and contributing


This repository is under an MIT license

Used in external projects


Sponsor me on Github or donate to paypal.me/qmcgaw

Many thanks to J. Famiglietti for supporting me financially 🥇👍