
A curated list of the finest dad joke to spice up your daily stand-ups. 🧐

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Dad Jokes!

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Why doesn’t James Bond fart in bed?

Because, it would blow his cover.
How does a computer get drunk?

It takes screen shots.
Why don't bachelors like Git?

Because they are afraid to commit.
Did you hear about the dyslexic zombie?

He only ate Brians.
Why can’t skeletons play church music?

Because they don’t have any organs.
Harry Potter was a programmer

He is fluent in Python
Where do baby ghosts go during the day?

Day scare centers.
What does the vegan zombie say?

What do you call a fake noodle?

An impasta!
Where does a ghost go on vacation?

What do you call a snowman that has a tantrum?

A meltdown
What do you call a factory that makes OK products?

Why is Peter Pan always flying?

Because he neverlands
How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?

What did baby corn say to mama corn?

Where's pop-corn?
Why don't eggs tell jokes?

They crack each other up.
Why programmers use dark themes?

Light attracts bugs.
Why should a triangle never get into an argument with a circle?

Because its pointless.
Why did the invisible man turn down a job offer?

Because he couldn't see himself doing it.
Knock Knock? Who's there? Figs! Figs who?

Figs your doorbell
Knock Knock? Who's there? Boo! Boo who?

Don't cry, it's only Halloween.
Who won the skeleton beauty contest?

No body.
What is the scariest tree?

Why can’t a leopard hide? 

Because he’s always spotted.
What do you call a snowman with a six-pack?

An abdominal snowman
What did one snowman say to the other snowman?

Do you smell carrots?
Why can’t you ever run through a campsite?

You can only ran — it’s always past tents.
What’s the easiest way to burn 1,000 calories?

Leave the pizza in the oven.
What goes "oh oh oh"?

Santa walking backwards.
Why does Santa have three gardens?

So he can 'ho ho ho'!
What kind of medal would Santa Claus win?

A Noel Prize
What is a cop's favorite Christmas song?

Police Navidad
What Christmas song do they play at the mental hospital?

Do you see what I see?
Who claps for Christmas?

Why is it so cold at Christmas?

Because it’s in Decembrrrrrrr.
What do snowmen eat for lunch?


The time when everyone gets Santamental.
Not to brag, but I defeated our local chess champion in less than five moves.

Finally, my high school karate lessons paid off
Air used to be free at the gas station, now it's $1.50. You know why?

Do you know 10 + 10 & 11 + 11 is same. What is 10 + 10 ? Twenty. What is 11 + 11?

Twenty too
There are only 10 kinds of people in this world:

Those who know binary and those who don’t.
Why did the database administrator leave his wife?

She had one-to-many relationships.
What’s the second movie about a database engineer called?

Why did the functions stop calling each other?

Because they had constant arguments.
2B || !2B

That’s the question
If bees start writing software

I thought I had illegal software in my fridge but then I realized...

It is open sauce
Two sql developers walk into a bar & then walk straight out

Because there were no tables they could join
What language is used to program the self driving garbage truck?

Java, because it already has garbage collection.
Why did the constant break up with the variable?

Because she changed

What is a database programmer’s favourite drink?

Why did the database administrator leave his wife?

She had one-to-many relationships
Why do they use ‘i’ to loop through an array?

Because without it, it is terable.
Why do anarchists like functional programming?

Because it has no state.
How does a programmer determine what music they listen to?

It must be in C and have a good algo-rythme
What’s a web developers favourite food?

Why did the programmer quit his job?

Because he didn’t get arrays (a raise)
Knock knock - Who is there?

Recursion - Knock Knock
I just found out I’m colorblind.

The news came out of the purple!
How do cows stay up to date?

They read the Moo-spaper.
I hate my job—all I do is crush cans all day.

It’s soda pressing.
What do you call a dog magician?

A labracadabrador
How do you count cows?

With a cowculator
What is more amazing than a talking dog?

A spelling bee
Why are teddy bears never hungry?

They are always stuffed
What do ducks put in their soup?

What did the buffalo say to his son when he went away on a trip?

Why aren't elephants allowed on beaches?

They can’t keep their trunks up
Why did the fish blush?

Because it saw the ocean’s bottom.
Why couldn't the leopard play hide and seek?

Because he was always spotted!
Why did the snake cross the road?

To get to the other ssssssside!
Can a kangaroo jump higher than the Empire State Building?

Of course. Buildings can’t jump
What do you call a cat that’s in trouble with the police?

A purr-petrator.
What kind of sports cars do cats drive?

Why was the cow afraid? 

He was a cow-herd
What did Mama cow say to Baby cow?

It’s pasture bedtime.
Did you hear about the guy that invented the knock knock joke?

He won a Nobel Prize.
Knock Knock. Who's there? I use yah. I use yah who?

Really? Why? Google is way better.
I tried to tell my dog a knock knock joke.

But she just started barking.
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Tank. Tank who?

You’re welcome.
Knock, knock. Who’s there? A broken pencil. A broken pencil who?

Never mind. It’s pointless.
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Luke. Luke who?

Luke through the peephole and find out.
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Hatch. Hatch who?

Bless you.
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Ice cream. Ice cream who?

Ice cream if you don’t let me in!
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Dejav. Dejav who?

Knock, knock.
Knock, knock. Who’s there? Nana. Nana who?

Nana your business!
Knock knock. Who’s there? Amish. Amish who?

Really? You don’t look like a shoe.
Knock knock. Who’s there? A little old lady. A little old lady who?

Dang! All this time, I had no idea you could yodel.
Knock knock. Who’s there? Horsp. Horsp who?

Did you just say, “horse poo”?
Knock knock. Who’s there? Colin. Colin who?

Colonization! Just kidding, colonizers don’t knock before coming in
Knock knock. Who’s there? Cash. Cash who?

Nah, but I’ll take some almonds if you got them.
Knock knock. Who’s there? Cowsgo. Cowsgo who?

No, cows go MOO!
Knock knock. Who’s there? Woo. Woo who?

Sounds like a party in there!
Knock knock. Who’s there? Alien. Alien who?

Alien — wait, how many aliens do you know?
I don’t often tell Dad jokes.

But when I do, he laughs
How do you keep bacon from curling in the pan?

You take away their little brooms.
What does it cost to hire a spy?

I could tell you, but then I’d have to bill you.
A clown held the door for me today.

That was a nice jester.
What did one shark say to the other while eating a clown fish?

This tastes funny.
Where do typists go to have a drink?

The space bar.
Did you hear about the world's largest pickle?

It’s a really big dill (deal)
Where did Luke get his cybernetic hand?

The second hand store.
Why couldn’t Luke find love?

He was looking in Alderaan places.
What do you call two Han Solos singing together?

Han duet.
What did the dentist say to Luke Skywalker?

May be floss be with you.
How does Darth Vader like his toast?

On the dark side.
What does Yoda do when he's tired of Luke's questions?

Ewoks away.
What kind of car is Yoda's favorite?

A To-Yoda!
Why was Yoda such a good gardener?

Because he had green thumb.
Why did Yoda refuse to believe that Obi Wan had a twin?

Because there can only be Wan Kenobi.
What was Yoda's last name?


Why didn’t any of Luke Skywalker’s marriages last?

He always followed Obi-Wan’s advice: “Use divorce, Luke.”
What does your Canadian friend cooking dinner for you have in common with the Empire from Star Wars?

How long has Anakin Skywalker been evil?

Since the Sith Grade.
Why shouldn’t you ask Yoda for money?

He’s a little short.
Why was the Millennium Falcon easier to fly after The Force Awakens?

It’s now Hans free.
Where do Sith lords go shopping?

The Darth Maul
What's Darth Vader's favorite dessert?

Only one cannoli
How does Darth Vader eat with a mask on?

He force feeds himself.
Why doesn't Darth Vader like to eat Ewoks?

He thinks they're a little Chewie.
How does Darth Vader greet visitors to Disneyland?

Welcome to the Park side.
Did you know that in the James Bond movies, all the action/risky scenes were performed by agent 0014?

of course, he was, after all, his stunt double.
Did you know that Vin Diesel only eats two meals a day to keep in shape for making movies?

Breakfast and breakfurious
What generation does Forest Gump belong to?

Gen A
What is Forest Gump's password for his computer?

Harry Potter became vegan...

Now he only speaks parsleytongue
What do you call a blind dinosaur?

Why didn't the terminator upgrade to windows 10?

I asked him and he said, "I still love vista, baby!"
Ever hear about the movie called "Constipation"?

It never came out.
What's a climate activist's favorite movie?

Mad at gas car
Did you see the movie about the hot dog?

It was an Oscar Wiener
Did you know diarrhea is hereditary?

Yeah, it runs in your jeans.
What do you call security guards working outside Samsung shops?

Guardians of the Galaxy
Why can’t you give Elsa a balloon?

Because she will Let it go
How did Reese eat her ice cream?

On a scale of one to ten, how obsessed with Harry Potter are you?

About nine and three quarters
What do you call it when Batman skips Church?

Christian Bale
Why doesn’t Voldemort have glasses?

Nobody nose
I found the first four Harry Potter books to be quite light-hearted.

The fifth one was dead Sirius.
What do you call a hobbit party?

A little get together.
Why are most hobbits good guys?

Because they don’t look down on people.
I did a Lord of the Rings marathon yesterday

I ran 26 miles dressed up as Frodo Baggins!
R2-D2 was the most vulgar movie character of all time

They bleeped out every word he said!
Why did Episodes 4, 5, and 6 come out before 1, 2, and 3?

Because in charge of directing, Yoda was.
I got fined $50 for sneaking popcorn and a drink into the movie theatre

It’s ok though, it still saved me money.
What instrument do fish play?

The bass guitar
My ex is a musician. Her musical instrument and I had a lot in common.

We both got played, constantly.
What kind of instrument does a British person play?

A UK-lele
What is the favorite instrument when two sheep get together?

....a two-baaaaaaaaaaaa
What do you call a cow that can play a musical instrument?

A moo-sician
What's an avocado's favorite music?

Guac ‘n’ roll
What's a golf clubs favorite type of music?

I keep hearing music from the printer

I think the paper keeps jamming.
Why did the chicken join a band?

Because he already had drum sticks!
Why did the chicken join a band?

Because he already had drum sticks!
I wrote a song about a tortilla chip.

Actually, it’s a wrap.
What did yoda say when he saw himself in 4k for the first time?

Why did the pianist keep banging his head against the keys?

He was playing by ear.
Why is a piano so hard to open?

Because the keys are on the inside.
My girlfriend left me because of my obsession with Linkin Park.

But in the end, it doesn’t even matter.
What is Beethoven’s favorite fruit?

What is Beethoven doing now?

What kind of music are balloons afraid of?

Pop Music
What did Jay-Z call his wife before they were married?

What kind of music do bunnies like?

Hip Hop.
A thief was expelled from music school.

It was a bit unfair, all he was doing was taking notes.
what kind of music sinks to the bottom of the ocean

Heavy rock
What's the best brand of computer for playing pop music?

A Dell
What is a mummy's favorite kind of music?

What do you call a lazy man in space?

A procrastonaut.
Which is older: the moon or the sun?

The moon, because it can stay out all night.
How does an alien get a haircut?

Eclipse it. 
Why haven't aliens come to our solar system yet?

They read the reviews: One star.
Why did Mickey Mouse go to outer space?

To find Pluto.
Why didn't the sun go to college?

Because it already had a million degrees!
Why couldn't the astronaut book a room on the moon?

It was full!
Why did the Americans win the space race?

Because the soviets were Stalin.
How do you throw a space party?

You planet.
What do you call a tangled rope on International Space Station?

What kind of tea you can not have in Space ?

Why was the star arrested?

It was a shooting star.
France gave perfumes to countries it dominated in the past

That was classic Colognialism.
When my family went to France, I made sure we avoided the Eiffel tower because I was afraid it would suck our blood.

It is a Paris site.
I asked a French girl if she played videogames, and she said,

Why do the French eat snails?

Because they don’t like fast food.
The cheese shop in Lyon was destroyed in the earthquake.

I know it because all I saw was da-brie.
Did you know that the first French Fries weren't cooked in France?

They were cooked in Greece
What would you call the Eiffel Tower if it falls over?

The I Fell Tower!
What Athens in Greece

stays in Greece.
What do you call the Greek version of Spider Man?

Pita Parker
My poor knowledge of Greek mythology...

has always been my Achilles’ elbow.
What is the favourite dessert of Greek chickens?

Why are Italians so good at making coffee?

Because they’re good at espresso themselves.
How does the Italian plumber talk to spirits?

A Luigi board!
Did you hear about the Italian chef who died?

He pasta way.
What do you call an Italian with no arms?

What do you call an Italian with a broken arm?

Speech impediment.
What do you call sick pasta?

Mac n' sneeze!
Where does spaghetti go dancing?

The meatball!
With climate change coming, economists predict that Canada will soon be the most powerful country in the world.

And then you all will be sorry.
What is Canada's national board game?

50% of Canada

Is the letter A
You Americans may have the right to bare arms,

but here in Canada, we can own moose legs.
In America we can bare arms

But in Canada they can arm bears.
A pizza got cheated on multiple times

Now it has crust issues.
My Canadian friend eats a bowl of fries, cheese curds and brown gravy every single morning.

It's just his daily poutine.
What do you call a Tom Cruise movie with a hamburger in it?

Top Bun.
Two hotdogs are walking down the street

One suddenly turns to the other and says, "Mike! Your wiener is showing"
Whats a hamburger on a motorcyle?

Fast food
What do you call cheese that is sad?

Blue cheese.
Why did the butcher work extra hours at the shop?

To make ends meat
I went to a seafood restaurant and slipped.

I pulled a mussel.
What are hot dogs called in winter?

Chilly dogs
Why do hamburgers go to the gym?

To get better buns.
What did the grape say when he was squished?

He let out a little wine
How do you measure the weight of crackers?

In grahams
What vegetables do sailors hate?

Why are mushrooms invited to parties?

Because they are such fungis
If at first you don’t succeed,

skydiving is not for you!
What is the hardest thing about skateboarding?

I kept wondering why the baseball was getting bigger.

Then it hit me.
What happens if Usain Bolt misses his bus?

He waits for it at the next stop.
Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?

In case he got a hole in one!
Why can’t Cinderella play soccer?

Because she’s always running away from the ball.
How do baseball players stay cool?

They sit next to the fans.
Where does the majority of a hockey player's salary come from?

The tooth fairy.
What is the most depressing thing about tennis?

You’ll never be as good as a wall.
Why are basketball players such messy eaters?

They’re always dribbling.
How do baseball players keep in touch?

They touch base every once in a while.
Why did the football coach go to the bank?

To get his quarter back.
Why are soccer players excellent in Maths?

They know how to use their heads.
What's the easiest sport to get into?

Limbo. They don't set the bar very high.
There is only one sport in which I can get a high score.

It’s golf
What is cardboard’s favorite sport?

Where can you find a golfer on a Saturday night?

What is the dwarfs favorite type of cake?

I identify as a chocolate bar

My pronouns are her/shey
What kind of chocolate does the dryer like?

Lindt Chocolate
Did you hear about the magician that had chocolate in his shirt?

He had some Twix up his sleeve
Why do ice creams tend to be bad at tennis?

Because they are always going for the soft serve.
Why did the birthday cake go to the doctor?

Because it was a cough-y (coffee) cake.
What is a jewellers favorite dessert?

Carat Cake.
What's cake's favourite song?

'Slice, Slice, Baby'.
How do you spell CANDY with only two letters?

C and Y.
How do you get Mexican food at the beach.

Just dig your feet into the sand, then you will have buriedtoes.
What is the best time to eat Mexican food?

Juan o'clock.
I burnt my Hawaiian pizza last night.

I should have cooked it on Aloha temperature.
How much does Chinese food weigh?

Why did the can crusher quit his job?

Because it was soda pressing.
What happens if life gives you melons?

Your dyslexic
What kind of car does Jesus drive?

A Chrysler
What's worse than finding a bomb under your car?

Not finding it.  
Why did the frog take the bus to work?

His car had been toad.
What's the most important part of becoming a train?

The training.
What do you get when you mix a motorcycle with a joke?

A Yamahaha
What do you call a Ford Fiesta that ran out of gas?

A Ford Siesta.
What do you call a Mexican who lost his car?

What kind of car does a snake drive?

An Ana-Honda.
What’s got four wheels and flies?

A garbage truck.
Did you hear about the guy that lost his left arm and leg in a car crash?

He’s all right now.
I had a dream last night that I was a car muffler

I woke up exhausted. 
Why did the cop pull over the U-Haul?

He wanted to bust a move.
What car did the successful sushi chef buy?

A Rolls-Rice.
What do you call it when only one finger steers your car?

A thumb drive.
What kind of car racing comes from Mexico?

Formula Juan
Did you hear about the train engineer from Mexico that was arrested for terrorism?

Authorities say he had loco motives.
What do you call an election ballot in Mexico?

What's the most popular arcade game in Mexico?

Guac - a - mole 
What do you callthe top wealthiest people in Mexico?

The Juan percent.
Whos the richest man in Mexico?

Jeff Pesos
Why did I quit my job in Mexico?

It didn't peso well.
Why don't Americans eat snails?

Because they like fast food.
What do you call a bee that lives in America?

Why don't Americans use the metric system?

Because they have a foot fetish.
What's the difference between a computer and an American?

An American doesn't have trouble-shooting.
Studies show 9 in 10 Americans do not have basic math skills.

I'm so glad I'm in the 1%.