Easy Comms

Easy Comms is a simple MicroPython library for easily sending messages over UART connections from one device to another

Demo Apps

There are two demo applications:

  • pico_comms_a.py - Listens for messages and prints them on the console
  • pico_comms_b.py - Sends messages, also listens and prints to the console
  • led_server.py - Tells the led_client to blink an led based on the contents of a json formatted message
  • led_client.py - Listens for commands over UART for blink on and off commands

How to use the Demo Apps

Load either of the demo code pico_comms_a.py and pico_comms_b.py or led_client.py and led_server.py onto a pair of Raspberry Pi Picos, and wire them us such that the GPIO Pin 0 (RX) goes to GPIO Pin 1 (TX) on the other Pico and vice versa. Also make sure both Picos have their grounds connected otherwise you'll get all kind of wierd messages and errors.