
Lulo plugin that creates bucket notifications for S3 post bucket creation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

lulo S3 Bucket Notification

lulo S3 Bucket Notification creates S3 Bucket Notifications.

lulo S3 Bucket Notification is a lulo plugin


$ npm install lulo-plugin-s3-bucket-notification --save



  • Bucket: Bucket name. Required. Note: this value cannot be changed.
  • NotificationConfiguration: Notification configurations. Required.
    • Existing configurations on the bucket are kept as is.
    • When updating/deleting configurations they are matched either by Id or by a combination of Arn & Events. It is recommended that you assign an Id to ensure that your configuration are not mistakenly matched and altered.

See the AWS SDK Documentation for S3::putBucketNotificationConfiguration

Important notes

If you see the error Unable to validate the following destination configurations you need to create permissions for S3 to trigger the Lambda function first:


"S3TriggerLambdaPermission": {
    "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Permission",
    "Properties": {
        "Action": "lambda:InvokeFunction",
        "FunctionName": "arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:433205128088:function:daniel-test-s3-audiofile-upload",
        "SourceArn": { "Fn::Join": ["", ["arn:aws:s3:::", { "Ref": "Bucket" }]] },
        "Principal": "s3.amazonaws.com"

Secondly, avoid updating/creating multiple notification resources on the same bucket simultaneously as that would create a race condition and could potentially leave your notifications in an inconsistent state. Adding/removing/updating multiple notification configurations in the same resource is fine though.

Return Values


Required IAM Permissions

The Custom Resource Lambda requires the following permissions for this plugin to work:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Action": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Resource": "*"


The MIT License (MIT)

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