Kogan Coding Challenge

Applicant: Carlo Cayos

Language: Go

Getting Started

There are two ways to build and run the application. Helper scripts were created for both options.

First is building the binary locally and storing it in bin folder, this requires Go is installed locally.

Second is building a Docker image and running via Docker compose.

Build using Go

  1. Download and Install Go
  2. Run local_build.sh to build the application and save the binary in bin
  3. Run local_start.sh to run the application
  4. Sample result below

Local Run Result

Build using Docker

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose
  2. Run docker_build.sh to download the required Docker images and build the application
  3. A Docker image is saved with tag kogan_carlocayos
  4. Run docker_start.sh. This requires Docker Compose installed
  5. Sample result below

Docker Compose Run Result

Passing Arguments

The helper scripts use the default value conf/config.properties and Air Conditioners for category filter. The program is configurable and accepts two arguments in this format:

myapp <config-file> <[OPTIONAL] category-filter>

  config-file       path to the config properties file. See conf/config.properties
  category-filter   [OPTIONAL] the product category filter to compute the average cubic weight. If not defined the default value is "Air Conditioners"  

Example filtering products with specified category.

./bin/myapp conf/config.properties "Air Conditioners"
  Average Cubic Weight of ALL Products under the Category "Air Conditioners" = 416133.85 kg

./bin/myapp conf/config.properties "Gadgets"
  Average Cubic Weight of ALL Products under the Category "Gadgets" = 487.50 kg