Bluno Workflow Instructions

  • Bluno will not send any data upon start up, it will just wait for command before starting the operation.
  • To start the bluno sending data, from the mobile app you need to send any of 3 character to choose the mode described below:
    1. "0" - is for visualization mode, when bluno received this character it will start sending data on visualization mode with the following format: R000111222333ER or L000111222333EL

    2. "1" - is for data collection mode, when bluno received this character it will start sending data on data collection mode with the following format:


      S - indicates the Start of the data block.
      x - indicates the row for the accelerometer x-axis.
      y - indicates the row for the accelerometer y-axis.
      z - indicates the row for the accelerometer z-axis.
      a - indicates the sensor 1 of the insole.
      b - indicates the sensor 4 of the insole. c - indicates the sensor 5 of the insole. d - indicates the sensor 6 of the insole. t - indicates the nth time the sample was read.

    3. "2" - is a Non-Sending mode. This simply stops the bluno to send any data.

      NOTE: The number of samples is highly dependent on Timer interval. So use the best interval, I suggest 1500ms for a complete movement. The Timer Interval can be set using commands described below:

Changing the timer interval.

  • From the mobile app you need to send any of the following commands:
    1. "2" - sets the timer interval to 100 ms which is the fastest.
    2. "3" - sets the timer interval to 500 ms.
    3. "4" - sets the timer interval to 1000 ms.
    4. "5" - sets the timer interval to 1500 ms.
    5. "6" - sets the timer interval to 2000 ms.
    6. "7" - sets the timer inter val to 2500 which is the slowest.

Stop sending data.

  • From the mobile app you need to send the following command:
    1. "8" - stops the timer and change the sending mode to Non-Sending Mode