
Monthly database dump of the Blippex search index

MIT LicenseMIT


Monthly database dump of the Blippex search index, first dump from July 18th 2013. After extraction you can import the dump to a MongoDB-instance using mongoimport

##Third Dump, 15. October 2013 The 935MB dump is too big for GitHub, so you can find it here: https://dump.blippex.org/blippex_15_10_13.tar.gz

##Second Dump, 26. August 2013 The 530MB dump is too big for GitHub, so you can find it here: https://dump.blippex.org/blippex_26_08_2013.tar.gz

##First Dump, 18. July 2013 The 277MB dump is too big for GitHub, so you can find it here: https://dump.blippex.org/blippex_18_07_2013.tar.gz