
Telegram bot status userbot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Telegram Bot Status userbot loop


  • Python ( 3.9.8 was used )

  • Telethon ( 1.25.0 or above are OK to use, tested in 1.32.0 )

Environment variables

  • API_ID ( You know were to get it )

  • API_HASH ( You know were to get it )

  • SESSION ( Telethon string session, use any script you want )

  • CHAT_ID ( Optional. Chat were the initial message will be sent, if it's not specified, the message will be sent to your saved messages )

  • TARGETS ( Space separated list of bot usernames )

  • FREQMIN ( Frequency in minutes )

  • PORT ( Optional. Used for setting up as web service instead of worker )

NOTE: Environment variables can also be provided through a 'bot.env' file