
My config files

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Dotfiles for configuring macOS using chezmoi.


sh -c "$(curl -fsLS get.chezmoi.io) -- init --apply $GITHUB_USERNAME"

This will install the chezmoi binary on ~/bin, download the dotfiles repository for the provided GitHub user, and apply the configurations defined on it.

A local copy of the dotfiles repository will be created on ~/.local/share/chezmoi.


The darwin/Brewfile contains the list of all of the software and applications I have installed on my Mac, including Homebrew formulae, Homebrew casks, fonts, Mac App Store applications, and Visual Studio Code plugins.

The chezmoi apply command ensures that these applications get installed.

To export the current set of applications and packages run brew bundle dump -f --all --describe. This command will regenerate the Brewfile and include the brief description of each package.

Coding Fonts

Rectangle configuration

  1. Open Rectangle
  2. Go to Preferences..., Settings
  3. Click Import
  4. Select ~/.local/share/chezmoi/darwin/RectangleConfig.json
  5. Click Open


The following repositories served as inspiration for this repository:


MIT License. See LICENSE.