
Primary LanguageCMakeGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Arch Linux PETSc complex scalar's conclusions


In order to use triangle mesh generator, the user could face this follow situations:

triangle was installed ... compilation feature triangle for petsc-complex status petsc-complex status
before (automagicdepends)
between (makedepends)
after (optdepends)

Therefore, triangle is a makedepends and an optdepends, but not an automagicdepends.


In order to use hdf5-openmpi file format, the user could face this follow situations:

hdf5-openmpi was installed ... compilation feature hdf5-openmpi for petsc-complex status petsc-complex status
before (automagicdepends)
between (makedepends)
after (optdepends)


In order to use p4est-deal-ii for manage forest of octrees, the user could face this follow situations:

p4est-deal-ii was installed ... compilation feature p4est-deal-ii for petsc-complex status petsc-complex status
before (automagicdepends)
between (makedepends)
after (optdepends)

Side note:

  • optdepends means that petsc-complex is working fine, but if user requires a foo-package feature only must install it after installation (e.g. python bindings).
  • makedepends means that petsc-complex is working fine and the foo-package is no longer required anymore (e.g. cmake)
  • automagicdepends (e.g. openmpi).