
Intro to webpack - Tulsa Tech Fest 2015

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Intro to Webpack

Webpack - Documentation

We'll be focusing on using webpack to help organize the build process for a complex frontend project. webpack is a nodeJS based tool that works with both commonJS and requireJS module format systems.

Topics we'll be covering:

  • How webpack works
  • Understanding loaders
  • Adding a javascript loader ( pretty much the reason we're here right? )
  • Adding a loader for CSS pre-processors ( more than two pre-processors at the same time? insanity! )
  • Adding the babelJS loader for ES6-7 syntax pre-processing!
  • Understanding the power of plugins
  • Using the Dedupe and UglifyJs Plugins to pack up our frontend code
  • Adding hot reloading to a project ( believe me you'll want to see this )

Onto the talk notes!