
Node.js Apollo GraphQL server for RelatedCode Messenger using Postgres

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Related Code Messenger Server for Postgres

Node.js server with Apollo GraphQL and Postgres.


  • Docker
  • Free port for server listening


With Docker installed, type this command in your terminal.

docker run -ti -d --privileged=true -p PORTNUMBER:3001 --name CONTAINERNAME carloschfa/related-code-messenger-server-postgres:1.0.0 "sbin/init"

Where PORTNUMBER is the free port for your server where your application will connect and CONTAINERNAME is the name of your container, just for a better organization, we dont want to remove the wrong container in the future, right?

In my case the command will be this way: docker run -ti -d --privileged=true -p 3123:3001 --name messenger-server carloschfa/related-code-messenger-server-postgres:1.0.0 "sbin/init"

I'm mapping my Port number to be the 3123 and the container name to be messenger-server. After you run the command, your output should be something like this:

Unable to find image 'carloschfa/related-code-messenger-server-postgres:1.0.0' locally
1.0.0: Pulling from carloschfa/related-code-messenger-server-postgres
8a29a15cefae: Pull complete 
9b8c91efdfb3: Pull complete 
e99cc0f436ce: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:fa56ec0195bf830920d6079be92f1f1de14c40f7ae1492b3197b46c7373c9ce8
Status: Downloaded newer image for carloschfa/related-code-messenger-server-postgres:1.0.0

You can type in your browser the following URL to check if everything works as expected: localhost:PORTNUMBER in my case localhost:3123

Installing in AWS Amazon EC2

Login in you AWS Console, choose an appropriate region for your server and follow the video instructions.

AWS Video Tutorial

Installing in DigitalOcean Droplet

Login in you DigitalOcean Account and follow the video instructions.

DigitalOcean Video Tutorial


If after you running the container you receive a Connection refused error when doing any query in GraphQL, do the following commands:

service docker stop
service docker start
docker start CONTAINERNAME

And check if it works.


This server uses a number of open source projects to work properly: