Invoking Error from button doesnt get catched from the getDerivedStateFromError or componentDidCatch
moribaleta opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the bug
Hi i Found this issue with a button throwing an error not catched by the getDerivedStateFromError or componentDidCatch
const ComponentWithError = () => {
React.useEffect(() => {
throw new Error('This is a test error thrown by ComponentWithError.');
}, []);
return (
title="Throw error"
onPress={() => {
setTimeout(() => {
throw new Error(
'This is a test error thrown by ComponentWithError.',
const ComponentWithError = () => {
React.useEffect(() => {
throw new Error('This is a test error thrown by ComponentWithError.');
}, []);
return (
title="Throw error"
onPress={() => {
setTimeout(() => {
throw new Error(
'This is a test error thrown by ComponentWithError.',
System Info
OS: macOS 12.5
CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M1 Pro
Memory: 167.03 MB / 32.00 GB
Shell: 5.8.1 - /bin/zsh
Node: 16.16.0 - /usr/local/bin/node
Yarn: 3.2.2 - /opt/homebrew/bin/yarn
npm: 8.15.0 - /opt/homebrew/bin/npm
Safari: 16.
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First of all you need to wrap the component that is throwing the error with the ErrorBoundary
component, setTimeouts
are not catched by error boundaries as mentioned in the official React documentation
Please check the documentation to see how you can use this, there's an Expo example here 😊