A simple React-Native error boundary component 🐛
- 0
Outdated React Doc website linked in readme
#802 opened by rajeshias - 2
Android release app crashes!
#716 opened by erie-e9 - 2
- 2
How to get stackTrace info in FallbackComponent?
#601 opened by l2aelba - 1
Display stack trace on RELEASE build
#514 opened by Koxx3 - 5
Production Expo App crashes even with ErrorBoundary
#398 opened by bryanyan - 1
Invoking Error from button doesnt get catched from the getDerivedStateFromError or componentDidCatch
#403 opened by moribaleta - 1
Disable red screen in dev mode [question]
#388 opened by johkade - 2
Remove FallbackComponent
#333 opened by ThushalIntervest - 2
There is no meaningful data on error, stacktrace.
#315 opened by hyunahOh - 5
Expo Production Mode
#261 opened by LucasOliveiraS - 0
Switch from Standard to ESLint
#187 opened by carloscuesta - 2
having a scrollview on the error boundary
#162 opened by zcaudate - 4
Difference with react-error-boundary?
#82 opened by ianbayne - 1
Prevent production app to reload on Expo
#37 opened by codGmer - 1
The errors in released version iOS return Native compiled index bundle file stacktrace instead
#34 opened by ManigandanRaamanathan - 2
Cant manage to get it working in any way.
#17 opened by Acetyld - 0
Add Expo demo to docs
#13 opened by carloscuesta - 3
Add typescript support
#11 opened by msvargas - 14
I cant see the component boundary
#95 opened by DwCleb - 6
FallbackComponent crashing Android App
#220 opened by bombillazo - 7
Native errors
#5 opened by pavermakov