
DD-WRT Router Monitoring Stack

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

DD-WRT Router Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana


This stack is used to monitor a Netgear R7000P (Nighthawk) router that uses a Broadcom CPU. It might not work on different router brands or models.

Preparing the Router

  1. Set an user, password in (Administration -> Management -> Router Password) and enable SSH in (Services -> Secure Shell) to be able to copy files into the router.
  2. Then enable JFFS in Router GUI to persist files and create the dir /jffs/snmpd/
  3. Copy all files from router directory into router's /jffs/snmpd/

    scp root@ router/* /jffs/snmpd

  4. Add execute permission with chmod +x /jffs/snmpd/*.sh

    ssh root@ chmod +x /jffs/snmpd/*.sh

  5. Disable SNMP on the Service page of the GUI if already enabled (custom config is used)
  6. Add snmpd -c /jffs/snmpd/snmpd.conf in the startup commands in the GUI (Administration -> Commands -> Save as Startup)
  7. Reboot

Run the Monitoring Stack

The monitoring stack is composed of snmp_exporter, Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager. They are run in Docker containers by using a docker-compose file.

  1. Configure your router IP in the prometheus/prometheus.yml file job_name -> targets section.
  2. Run docker-compose up -d

Grafana, Prometheus and Alertmanager will be configured with provisioned Data Source pointing to http://prometheus:9090 and with the dashboards pre-loaded.

The historical data for Prometheus and configuration changes for Grafana are stored in Docker volumes. If required, this can be changed to the local disk.

The URLs for the stack apps are: