Pronto Fuel is a heavilly opnionated starter kit for Laravel and Inertia.js powered by Vite. It ships with autoimporting features and leverages the latest and greatest features from Vue 3.
- ⏩ Inertia.js
- 🔰 Vue 3
- ⚡️ Vite
- 🔥 Use the new
<script setup>
syntax for Vue - 📦 Components auto importing
- ⬇️ Common Vue and Inertia APIs auto importing
- ✂️ Pages Code Splitting out of the box
- 🔔 Server Driven toast notification system with queue in place
- 💬 Server Driven dialogs
- ⚓ Inline Inertia Persistent Layouts
- 🎨 Tailwind CSS configured with common PostCSS plugins, like nesting and extend rule.
- ❄️ Quasar Framework configured out of the box with over 70 ready to use Material Design components
- 😃 Use icons from any icon sets, with no compromise
- 🐋 VSCode Dev Container with everything you need to start developing
- 🪲 Debug with Ray on port 23517 by default
- 👮 Enforce code quality with ESLint and StandardJS
# Clone the repo
git clone my-app
# Enter the project directory
cd my-app
# Create a .env files based on the provided example one
cp .env.example .env
# Open the project on VSCode
code .
# *****************************************************************
# Install the Remote-Containers extensions if you still haven't
# Open VSCode's command palette (Eg.: ctrl + shift + p on Windows)
# Select "Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container"
# IMPORTANT: The following commands must be executed in the VSCode
# integrated terminal, once the Dev Container has started, since it
# is running inside the container
# *****************************************************************
# Install PHP dependencies
composer install
# Generate an APP key for security
php artisan key:generate
# Create the database tables
php artisan migrate
# Instal frontend dependencies
npm install
# *****************************************************************
# At this point, before you actually run the project, you might
# need to close the remote connection to the Dev Container and
# reopen it. See Troubleshooting below for more info.
# *****************************************************************
# Lift Vite's development server
npm start
# Go to http://localhost
# Clone the repo
git clone my-app
# Enter the project directory
cd my-app
# Create a .env files based on the provided example one
cp .env.example .env
# Install PHP dependencies
composer install
# Generate an APP key for security
php artisan key:generate
# Create the database tables
php artisan migrate
# Instal frontend dependencies
npm install
# Update server configs on vite.config.js
# to be like this
server: {
port: 3000
# Lift Vite's development server
npm start
# Go to http://localhost
If you're using the VSCode Dev Container and your home page isn't loading at http://localhost, you probably hit an issue where the PHP container isn't able to find the vendor/autoload.php
file you just installed via composer install
. In this case, simply close the remote connection to the container and reopen the folder in the container on VSCode.