Interlingua Visualization

Requirements :

  • Python 3.7.2
  • Bokeh >= 1.0.4
  • Flask 1.0.3

In order to run the website, you need to run the bokeh server first.

Step 1

To run the app with the intermediate representations, first execute this command at the root of the repository :

 bokeh serve --port 5200 --allow-websocket-origin localhost:8080 --allow-websocket-origin app/

Step 2

To run the app with the decoders layers, run this second process at the root of the repository :

 bokeh serve --port 5201 --allow-websocket-origin localhost:8080 --allow-websocket-origin app/

Step 3

To run the main page, you need to execute this last command at the same place :

python app/

Now, you can navigate by using your browser at