An AWS Lambda function that will post Cloud Formation status updates to a Slack channel via a Slack Web Hook.
To give visibility of Cloud Formation changes to the whole team in a quick and simple manner. For example:
CF Notify has a stack of AWS resources consisting of:
- An SNS Topic
- A Lambda function, which uses the SNS Topic as an event source
- An IAM Role to execute the Lambda function
We add the SNS Topic of CF Notify to the notification ARNs of the Stack we want to monitor.
Search for NotificationARNs.member.N
for more information on notification ARNs.
To setup CF Notify, we need to do the following.
You can create an incoming webhook here.
This is done using the script
- CHANNEL is the Slack channel or user to send messages to. It will be used in the naming of the Lambda artifact file stored in S3.
- BOT_NAME is the name of the bot that will be shown in your channel
- WEBHOOK is the Web Hook URL of an Incoming Web Hook (see
- AWS_PROFILE is the aws cli profile you want to use for deploy. Default profile is "default"
will create a zip file and upload it to S3 and also create a cloud formation stack using the template.
Once setup is complete, all you need to do now is set the notification ARN when you update any Cloud Formation stack:
SNS_ARN=`aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name cf-notify-$CHANNEL | jq ".Stacks[].Outputs[].OutputValue" | tr -d '"'`
aws cloudformation [create-stack|update-stack|delete-stack] --notification-arns $SNS_ARN
You should now see messages in Slack!