
An API built using Node.js and Hono.js which takes anilist Id and maps with hianime and also provides video URL

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This API is used to fetch episodes and streaming url from https://hianime.to by using anilist Ids. It is built on Node.js using the web framework Hono.js to serve the API.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone https://github.com/IrfanKhan66/hianime-mapper.git

Go to the project directory

  cd hianime-mapper

Install dependencies

  npm i

Start the server

  npm run dev


Get routes info & status of API

request url



  "about": "This API maps anilist anime to https://hianime.to and also returns the M3U8 links !",
  "status": 200,
  "routes": [

Get info of anime from anilist with hianime episode mappings

request url


example : https://hianime-mapper.vercel.app/anime/info/20


  data: {
    id: number;
    idMal: number;
    title: {
      romaji: string;
      english: string;
      native: string;
      userPreferred: string;
    coverImage: {
      extraLarge: string;
      large: string;
      medium: string;
      color: string;
    format: string;
    description: string;
    genres: string[];
    season: string;
    episodes: number;
    nextAiringEpisode: {
      id: number;
      timeUntilAiring: number;
      airingAt: number;
      episode: number;
    status: string;
    duration: number;
    seasonYear: number;
    bannerImage: string;
    favourites: number;
    popularity: number;
    averageScore: number;
    trailer: {
      id: number;
      site: string;
      thumbnail: string;
    startDate: {
      year: number;
      month: number;
      day: number;
    countryOfOrigin: string;
    recommendations: {
      title: {
        romaji: string;
        english: string;
        native: string;
        userPreferred: string;
      format: string;
      coverImage: {
        extraLarge: string;
        large: string;
        medium: string;
        color: string;
    relations: {
      id: number;
      title: {
        romaji: string;
        english: string;
        native: string;
        userPreferred: string;
      coverImage: {
        extraLarge: string;
        large: string;
        medium: string;
        color: string;
    characters: {
      role: string;
      name: {
        first: string;
        middle: string;
        last: string;
        full: string;
        native: string;
        userPreferred: string;
      image: {
        large: string;
        medium: string;
      voiceActors: {
        name: {
          first: string;
          middle: string;
          last: string;
          full: string;
          native: string;
          userPreferred: string;
        image: {
          large: string;
          medium: string;
    episodesList: {
      id: string;
      episodeId: number;
      title: string;
      number: number;

Get servers

request url


example : https://hianime-mapper.vercel.app/anime/servers/12352


    data: {
        sub: {
            serverId: string;
            serverName: string;
        dub: {
            serverId: string;
            serverName: string;

Get sources

request url


example : https://hianime-mapper.vercel.app/anime/sources?serverId=662001&episodeId=12352


    intro: {
      start: number;
      end: number;
    outro: {
      start: number;
      end: number;
    sources: {
      url: string;
      type: string;
      isM3U8: boolean;
    tracks: {
      file: string;
      kind: string;
      label?: string;
      default?: boolean;
    server: number;
