NBA Salary and 3-Point Shooting Trends Case Study

Overview This case study explores the relationship between the evolution of 3-point shooting in the NBA and how it has impacted the salary structures of point guards and shooting guards compared to other positions. This repository contains all the data, documents, and reference materials required to analyze these trends and produce a detailed report.

Repository Structure

  • DATA
    • players.csv - Contains data on NBA players.
    • salaries_1985to2018.csv - Includes salary information from 1985 to 2018 for NBA players.
    • Context
      • References related to the contextual background of the NBA's strategic changes.
    • Data-Sources
      • References specifically related to the data used in this study.
  • Hook Document.pdf - Provides the initial engagement and overview of the case study, outlining the task for the students.
  • LICENSE - Details the permissions and restrictions associated with the use of this repository's contents.
  • - This file, providing an overview of the repository and guidance on how to use the resources provided.
  • Rubric.pdf - Outlines the criteria for assessing the case study submissions.

Getting Started To begin your analysis:

  1. Review the Hook Document.pdf to understand the scope and objectives of the case study.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the data by examining players.csv and salaries_1985to2018.csv in the DATA directory.
  3. Consult the Data Appendix.pdf for detailed descriptions of the datasets.
  4. Explore the REFERENCE MATERIALS to deepen your understanding of the context and data.
  5. Follow the guidelines in the Rubric.pdf to ensure your analysis meets the case study requirements.

Submission Instructions Your final submission should include:

  1. A detailed report in PDF format summarizing your findings and analysis.
  2. A link to a GitHub repository containing all your code and any additional materials you created for the analysis.

Ensure your report and code are well-documented and organized as per the specifications in the rubric.

License This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.