
Repo for DS4002 Project 2 - group 18

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains files from Group 18's Time Series Project (Project 2)

Section 1: Software and platform section

We used Python with Jupyter Notebook. The add on packages we installed are Pandas, Numpy, SKLearn, Seaborn, and Matplotlib. We used Mac as our platform.

Section 2: A Map of your documentation.

Hierarchy of folders and subfolders contained in the Project Folder, and listing the files stored in each folder or subfolder.

Folder Files
DATA players.csv, salaries_1985to2018.csv, Data Appendix.pdf
SCRIPTS Analysis.ipynb, EDA.ipynb, Master Script.ipynb
OUTPUT Average Salary by Position Over Time.png, Average Salary by Position.png, Distribution of Positions in the NBA.png, Distribution of Salary.png, Relationship bewteen Season Year and Salary for Guard Positions.png, Salary Distribution by Position.png

Section 3: Instructions for reproducing your results.

  1. To reproduce this code, go to https://data.world/datadavis/nba-salaries/workspace/intro and download the players.csv and salaries_1985to2018.csv
  2. Execute cells of code within the Master Script jupyter notebook in order. The master script is the EDA and Analysis script put together.